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From the point of view of exercise, we divide exercise into two forms: aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. However, when exercise is accompanied by a certain purpose, the exercise form is usually specified, such as in the process of fat loss. Among them, the form of exercise we often mention is running and strength training. Among them, running is the representative of aerobic exercise, and strength training has become the representative of anaerobic exercise. Then, what is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise? In the process of losing fat, what kind of exercise form is the best?

First: About aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise

As for what is Aerobic exercise and what is anaerobic exercise cannot be divided by a certain form of exercise, but according to the source of energy during exercise, and there is no clear boundary between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. If you want to make a distinction, then the form of your exercise depends on the intensity and duration of exercise. Of course, exercise intensity and duration are in a negative relationship. The higher the exercise intensity, the shorter the duration.

During low-intensity exercise, the aerobic oxidation system dominates, and most of the energy depends on aerobic metabolism However, the speed of aerobic energy supply is relatively slow, so the intensity of aerobic exercise is usually not very high. With the increase of exercise intensity, the main energy source will be converted into anaerobic metabolism, and anaerobic exercise will be entered. So even the same form of exercise can be distinguished from aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise with the change of exercise intensity. For example, running can be aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise; for example, strength training can It can be aerobic or anaerobic.

Then if it’s simpler, how do you differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic exercise? A certain form of exercise that can last for more than 3 minutes can be called aerobic exercise.

Second: In the process of fat loss, which form of exercise is the best?

Although aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise cannot be divided into specific exercise forms or sports items, in the process of daily exercise, we still tend to do this, such as For the choice of aerobic exercise, more are running, cycling, swimming, and other projects that can be carried out continuously, while the choice of anaerobic exercise is more inclined to strength training.

In the process of daily exercise, unless you like it, everyone who chooses to exercise is usually accompanied by a certain purpose. For example, for elderly friends, exercise. The purpose of exercise is more inclined to health, while for young friends, the purpose of exercise is more inclined to figure, that is to say, for most people, the main purpose of exercise is probably how to help themselves achieve the purpose of losing weight.

So, when your goal is to lose fat, which form of exercise should you choose? At this point, we can simply understand the form of exercise as aerobic exercise and strength training. What are the roles of these two forms of exercise for fat loss?

1. The effect of aerobic exercise (running, elliptical machine, swimming, etc.) on fat loss

Take running as an example, when trying to exercise to reduce fat In the early days, running may become the first form of exercise that everyone thinks of. The biggest advantage of running is that it is convenient and simple, and at the same time has strong universality. During the running process, as the duration increases, the energy supply of fat will occupy the The ratio will be higher and higher, resulting in considerable consumption to achieve the purpose of increasing daily consumption.

But Is aerobic exercise (running) the ideal form of exercise for fat loss? Not really. From the point of view of consumption, aerobic exercise is more efficient in reducing fat, but its disadvantage is that long-term aerobic exercise will lead to muscle loss to a certain extent. From the point of view of rate, the effect is not ideal, because in the process of fat loss, what we need to do is to lose fat while retaining as much muscle as possible.

Of course, the greatest benefit of aerobic exercise lies in the promotion of health, such as the improvement of cardiovascular function, the improvement of respiratory function, and the improvement of the function of the antioxidant system. Improve, improve immunity, regulate endocrine system, etc.

2. The effect of strength training on fat loss

and Compared with aerobic exercise, in the process of strength training, due to the different energy supply systems, the utilization rate of fatty acids during strength training is not high, so from the perspective of fat loss efficiency, the rate of weight loss is relatively slow , So, in this case, why do you still recommend strength training in the process of fat loss?

The reason is that strength training can help us lose fat in the true sense, because through strength training we can avoid muscle loss, at least prolong the time of muscle loss, and also that is youIn the process of losing weight, you can lose fat as much as possible and avoid muscle loss.

From the perspective of basal metabolism, retaining a certain amount of muscle means that the basal metabolism will remain relatively stable, even with With weight loss, it is inevitable that basal metabolism will decrease, but if you can maintain or increase your muscle mass, your basal metabolism will still remain relatively high compared to muscle loss. In this case, you can better maintain the effect of fat loss after losing fat, and reduce the risk of rebound.

In addition to the effect of strength training on fat loss, one of the biggest benefits of strength training is the shaping of the body. We know that fat loss is a systemic process, and it is important to lose weight. At the same time, the whole body will become thinner, but losing weight is not our ultimate requirement in the process of fat loss, it is the body that becomes better, and if you want to modify your body shape and improve your body proportion, the method is strength training, through targeted Strength training can make up for local deficiencies by exercising local muscles, so as to achieve the purpose of shaping.

Of course, from a health perspective, strength training also has its own unique benefits, such as the protection of bones and joints, the improvement of balance and coordination, and the maintenance of physical strength, of course. The effect that strength training can have on the cardiovascular system is also not negligible.

3. How to choose a suitable form of exercise during fat loss

Speaking of no< strong>The same form of exercise will play a positive role in health and weight loss and control, so which exercise is good and which is not good is not a black and white concept. For fat loss, which one to choose? It is also a matter of opinion and opinion. Of course, it depends on what your ultimate goal is. If you want to lose weight faster and do not have too high requirements for body shape, then choosing aerobic exercise will Better, if you don’t care much about the speed of fat loss, but want to get in better shape, then choose strength training, Of course, no matter what form of exercise you choose, you must put Just have a good diet.

If you give a very good suggestion, the best way is to combine the two, so that you can learn from each other. Using their respective advantages can not only promote health relatively comprehensively, but also improve the efficiency of fat loss and shape the body. So, how to combine the two?

Simply put, if your time allows, do a cardio workout around 30 minutes after your strength training, and if your time allows, cross over to it every other day. But no matter which combination you choose, you should pay attention to avoid excessive exercise and pay attention to rest.


For fat loss, aerobic exercise and strength training have their own advantages , The specific exercise method you choose depends on your fat loss purpose and personal preferences, rather than giving an answer. Of course, if you can, it will be better to pay attention to both aerobic exercise and strength training, but what is the effect? Also consider how long you can last.