Under the static conditions of Shanghai, the medical staff who cannot stand still

The author of this article: Mangosteen, Tuntun

On March 27th, Shanghai will “close and control the river”, and nucleic acid screening will be carried out in batches with the Huangpu River as the boundary. Pudong New District, Fengxian District, Jinshan District, Chongming District, and some streets and towns in Minhang District first implemented blockade and control, carried out nucleic acid screening, and lifted the block at 5:00 on April 1. The Puxi area will carry out containment and nucleic acid screening at 3:00 on April 1.

On the evening of March 30, Shanghai announced the global static management, and under “static”, medical workers must “flow”. 3 days of closed management, how are the front-line doctors?

The magnolias are blooming, can you see the spring in Shanghai under the heavy protective clothing?

01. When I was most worried, I was the only one in the entire department to go out of the community to the hospital to be on duty

On the morning of March 29, Lv Xiaowen (pseudonym) of a tertiary hospital in Shanghai finally slept for the first time in days with a bed.

Last Saturday (March 26) at 9 pm, Lv Xiaowen was just about to go to bed when he suddenly received a call from the director who was under lockdown, saying that Corey had arranged for her to support the shelter . 5 minutes later, the medical department immediately called her to confirm the vaccination status, and told her that in order to ensure timely support, it was necessary to recall immediately.

Support medical staff gathering

Therefore, Xiaowen could only break through the blockade with her luggage and rushed back to the hospital overnight. The duty room could not sleep, and there were not enough staff. Xiaowen had not slept for several days.

“Every day I say I leave today, and I’ve said it since Saturday. I don’t know what my day will be like every day, and I don’t know what the next second will be.” For four days , Xiaowen experienced chaos and fatigue in the hospital. And this feeling has been gradually magnified with the successive closures and controls in Shanghai since March.

In the beginning, Minhang District supported nucleic acids, mainly secondary and first-level hospitals. Xiaowen’s hospital only had a fever clinic and buffer ward. Later, more and more colleagues were sealed in the community, and the duty of the department began to become continuous duty. Later, the management of the hospital became more and more chaotic, several wards began to be merged and closed, and the emergency room was closed.

“When I was most worried, I was the only one in our department who could negotiate with the community to come to the hospital to be on duty.”

At noon on the 29th, Xiaowen was preparing supplies for the support call of “Leave this afternoon”. “This time the support may take more than two months. The elderly at home have no antihypertensive drugs, so I asked a friend to help.”

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Wen narrated in a calm tone, “I cried and cried, and I was afraid, and now it’s numb. I hope it goes well.”

02. Expired protective clothing, 100 pairs of shoe covers, 16 yuan, I was taken away after two weeks.

On the 26th, Bian Yang (pseudonym) had an abnormal nucleic acid review and was identified as “asymptomatic” and transferred to a designated hospital for centralized isolation.

The protective clothing received by Yang Bian

The protective suits issued at the beginning are all expired. But the people in the hospital said that this was exported abroad. It’s been two years. The adhesive strips in the middle of many clothes are already yellow, and they don’t fit tightly at all.”

While talking, Bian Yang sent us a picture of “16 yuan 100 pairs of disposable non-woven medical indoor dust-proof and breathable shoe covers” on an e-commerce platform, “Shoe Covers” At the beginning, it was the only one, and there were no goggles, so it was difficult to provide complete protection.”

In this closed environment without a clean area, everyone works on their own floors, and there are people with nucleic acid abnormalities in the hospital one after another.

After that, only 1/3 of the nucleic acid-negative patients in Bian Yang’s department. Before she left,There was only one doctor left in the general department. Persevered until the later stage, “calling Tiantian not to do it, and calling the ground to not work”, the leaders kept telling everyone to persevere, but they couldn’t wait for support.

Bian Yang took the transfer vehicle from the window

At present, Bian Yang’s physical condition and emotions are gradually recovering. “The doctors and nurses in the designated hospitals know that we are all medical staff, and they are all very good. Boiling water, mineral water, paper towels, and toiletries are provided. , and chat with us to relieve boredom.”

03. Entering the cabin with a different identity, I can finally rest in peace

Wen Chen (pseudonym) is Bian Yang’s colleague. At eleven o’clock on the 28th, Wen Chen was transferred to the door of the square cabin by bus. After queuing for several hours, I finally entered the cabin in the middle of the night.

Wen Chen woke up at 9 am on the 29th and couldn’t fall back to sleep. “There are so many people, it seems that the lights are not turned off 24 hours a day.”

Wen Chen’s cabin

From the 12th, the hospital will be closed-loop management for 14 days. Colleagues and nurses around Wen Chen were all evacuated as long as there was an abnormality, and the rest stayed in the hospital.

Wen Chen’s hospital has thousands of beds, and most of them are elderly patients, and the workload is heavy. Later, the manpower was not enough to operate, and the wards began to support each other. In some cases, there was only one nurse and one doctor left on an entire floor.

Wen Chen was transported that night

14 days have passed without any notification of adjustment, and the hospital continues to be closed for management. The operation has been stopped, and the patient can barely be given basic treatment. “There is also a 38-week pregnant mother in the ward who will give birth at any time. Yesterday, I sought the leader in the group to solve the problem. In the end, the leader directly dismissed the group. We can only rely on our colleagues.The doctor who knew 120, kept beating and beating until he sent himself out. “

According to Wen Chen’s hospital, 100 doctors and 200 nurses will come to support, and all members can be evacuated when the support team is in place. However, so far, colleagues with normal nucleic acid have not come out. Looking at the bedridden patients, the medical staff couldn’t bear it anymore and continued to return to work.

Wen Chen’s other colleague, Chen Shu (pseudonym), was not so lucky during the transfer process. Chen Shu was picked up by 120 because of repeated fever, and was locked in a small room with 3 other colleagues. There is only one bed for 4 people, and Chen Shu can only sleep on a chair.

“There is no water to drink, meals are not served on time, and no one measures the body temperature. I have repeated fevers, and the fever subsides and subsides, and my body is sour.”

The isolation point where Chen Shu is located

In this way, Chen Shu is still grateful, “There is this compartment because the hospital helps to contact, many people spend the night in the big shed in the square.”

On the afternoon of the 29th, Chen Shu and his party of 4 finally waited for the bus to transfer to the cabin.

“I heard that some people have no place to go now and have been in the car for three days. The cabin is managed every day, at least the most basic living conditions can be met, and there is no need to sleep on the floor and sleep in a chair. , I have new bedding, I can go home after turning Yin twice. I can also not suffer from mental torment, and I can finally rest in peace.” Wen Chen told Lilac Garden that recently, I want to take care of my body first, as soon as possible go home.

04. I stay in the hospital to treat patients in the control area, and the objects grow visibly at home

The hospital where Meng Lin (pseudonym) works is currently operating normally in outpatient and emergency departments. It is mainly divided into two major tasks. One is to undertake the responsibility of treating patients in the control area, and the other is to support nucleic acid sampling. .

On the 13th, the hospital was unblocked, and a sampling team of 600 people was dispatched to various communities for support. Meng Lin also went. The task came suddenly, Meng Lin teased, “I was eating, and I left as soon as I said it. It’s really like a firefighting police.”

He has already participated in three outsourcing missions. He gathers at 5:00 every morning. He can be back in the evening when it is fast, and sometimes it may be one or two in the middle of the night.

On the other hand, Yue Xingru (pseudonym) also experienced similar work intensity. A community hospital in Pudong where he works has been closed for four days. “Everyone is on standby, every three days to go out for sampling.” He had only slept for less than four hours these days, and Yue Xingru was tired at the moment, “Because Pudong gave the residents four hours to buy vegetables. Round after round of nucleic acid Screening, down to the grassroots level, depends on us.”

A week later, Menglin’s hospital set up an additional control ward to treat patients in the closed community who need medical treatment. In order to prevent cross-infection, the hospital no longer accepts any patients in non-controlled areas.

At present, half of Meng Lin’s department works in three shifts in the morning, noon and evening, and has admitted more than 100 patients. “They all have separate isolation rooms. Before coming in, they will have a nucleic acid test, and they will need to be re-examined after coming in. Some who are positive after being admitted for a period of time will be transferred to designated isolation hospitals.”

Each class in the department is about 6 to 8 hours. Because of the inconvenience of wearing protective clothing, there will be two people in each class on duty. When one of them feels uncomfortable and needs to drink water In the bathroom, the other one takes over.

Meng Lin praised the hospital’s uniform arrangement of room and board. “If there is enough time, eating and sleeping can be guaranteed. Some of us live in hospitals, and some of us live in hotels.”

He had an additional bonus during this time: the subject’s life skills had skyrocketed.

Meng Lin was away from home for the past few days, and the subject was alone and charged with working from home in the community. “The specific performance is: the water that could not be moved before can be moved, the gas meter and water meter that cannot be seen will be read, and I even try to cook by myself.”

Meng Lin’s circle of friends and chat history

05. I drive half an hour across the river to work in Puxi every day, and my colleagues study and do scientific research in front of the computer at night

Compared to Pudong Medical and Nursing at the center of the epidemic, Tan Zhibo (pseudonym) working in Puxi Hospital is less stressed. The day before Shanghai was sealed off on the Yangtze River, the hospital was worried that doctors who lived in Pudong would not be able to cross the river to work the next day, so they recalled Tan Zhibo and his colleagues collectively.

“The department with 100 people recalled 20. Because there were three closed management experiences before, the quilts and beds were provided by the hospital, and we were familiar with it. The quality of rest must still be affected. After all, everyone has to work during the day, and some have to work at night. But we are all acquaintances, and this occasional collective life is quite interesting.”

Tan Zhibo’s meals in the hospital

Because of the hospital regulations, they are not allowed to visit, play cards, have dinner or drink together. Some serious colleagues can only have fun, and they still study and do scientific research in front of the computer after work at night.

The next afternoon, Shanghai issued a notice that doctors with private cars can commute across the river after providing work certificates and nucleic acid certificates. Without traffic jams on the road, Tan Zhibo arrived home in half an hour. While passing the Yangpu Bridge, he took a photo and sighed, “I hope to return to normal life as soon as possible.”

The empty Yangpu Bridge photographed by Tan Zhibo while commuting across the river

06. A family of three is a doctor, my father is in the closed loop, and my mother and I are in isolation

“I have been out of work for 2 days.”

Qi Hua (pseudonym), a medical student from a university in Shanghai, was working as an intern in a hospital in Puxi. After Shanghai issued a notice of closure, she stayed at her home in Pudong on standby.

According to Qi Hua’s observation, starting from March 14, the nucleic acid for medical care in the hospital has increased from once a week to once a day. Since last week, all personnel entering the operating room are required to wear N95 masks.

On the night the closure notice was issued, Qi Hua’s hospital recalled some doctors who lived in Pudong, and the schedule of doctors in the hospital was changing all the time. The community where a colleague is located is closed for management. “Starting from Wednesday, I can’t enter or leave the community with my work permit, and the security guard will not let me in after I leave.”

Qi Hua’s entry and exit certificate

The vast majority of medical students, however, have been told to stay home. At the same time, many of Qi Hua’s classmates are still under closed-loop management in the dormitory.

Allowing cross-river commuting did not bring much change to Qi Hua, “Actually, if a private car takes me to Puxi, I can still go to work normally, but my father is now at his A closed-loop hospital for work.”

On March 22, Qi Hua’s parents, who worked in a hospital in Pudong, received a notification that the hospital needed closed-loop management for epidemic prevention and control. “My mother was not in the hospital that day, so she was temporarily isolated at home. My father is the chief physician and must go back to preside over the work.” Qi Hua said.

“Like my parents, both husband and wife work in the hospital. If they are both managed in a closed loop, what will happen to the children at home?”

07. Wearing protective clothing for cesarean section, I welcomed 5 new lives in the isolation chamber

“Thank you doctor, I gave birth at 10 o’clock, and the baby came out before the nucleic acid report. You medical staff have worked hard.”

Wu Hongyan (pseudonym), the head nurse of the isolation cabin ward of a hospital, received a message like this on her mobile phone, “We are very happy that five small lives have been welcomed in the five isolation cabin wards in just two weeks. .”

After the official opening of the isolation cabin ward on the 13th, Cui Yun (pseudonym), director of the obstetrics and gynecology department, received many pregnant women in the Jing’an sealed-off area. “I received a notice at 6:00 on the first day that a pregnant woman was on her way to 120. When I arrived at the hospital, the amniotic fluid burst, the lower body was soaked, and the contractions were severe but the fetal head was not in the pelvis. It must be done immediately. Caesarean section, otherwise the mother and child will be in danger.”

Because the puerpera had not set up a prenatal check-up card in the hospital before, Cui Yun communicated with her family in advance while preparing to put on protective clothing for the operation. “It is difficult to grasp the strength and range of movements while wearing clothes, and the vision will also be affected to a certain extent when wearing a blindfold. It is quite challenging.”

The operation was successful and the mother was discharged from the hospital two days later. Cui Yun happily shared the joy of welcoming a new life at a special moment: “It’s a girl, 3590 grams. Now the conditions are limited. After the closure of the community is over, I will remind the mother to bring the child to apply for the birth certificate.”

08. Epilogue

Last night, at the Shanghai Municipal Leading Cadre Conference, Li Qiang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Leader of the Municipal Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic, pointed out at the meeting that we must resolutely implement the In this round of nucleic acid screening work, comprehensive prevention and control measures such as global static management, full-staff nucleic acid screening, comprehensive flow investigation and investigation, and comprehensive cleaning and sterilization have been adopted, which are implemented in batches and seamlessly connected to truly control the risk groups. , to achieve social zero as soon as possible.

Li Qiang pointed out that the screening in the first batch of regions should be carried out with all efforts, and the screening period should strictly implement “no movement of people, staying at home” to ensure that “no one misses out.” Household, no one will be left behind.” Further ensure the transfer of positive infected persons and the protection of residents’ daily necessities. The screening of the second batch of areas should be prepared more carefully, the personnel situation should be clearly understood, the work plan should be refined, the service guarantee should be in place, and the efficiency of responding to citizens’ demands and solving problems should be effectively improved.

Five loud cries cut through the long night of the epidemic. The vernal equinox has passed, and there is not a spring that will not come.

Planning: yuu., beatrice

Producers: carollero, gyouza

The source of the title map: provided by the parties (all pictures in the text are provided by the parties)