There is cancer in the body, do you know what to eat? 4 symptoms that appear while eating may be an early warning of esophageal cancer

I feel tired after eating, but it turns out that I have cancer?

The 38-year-old Ms. Liu had a bad appetite since she was a child, and her body has always been thin when she grew up, only over 80 pounds. In the second half of last year, she was always uncomfortable when eating, and after a few bites, she felt choked up.

At the end of the year, during the physical examination at the unit, the doctor found something abnormal about her—there was a 3 cm shadow in her esophagus, and she was finally diagnosed as esophageal cancer.

I. The Lancet: Half of the world’s esophageal cancer is in China, what did we do wrong h1>

A statistic published in an internationally renowned journalThe Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research shows that in 2017, the proportion of new cases and deaths of esophageal cancer worldwide was about 473,000 and 436,000. China ranks first in both incidence and deaths, with 235,000 new cases of esophageal cancer in China in 2017, There were 213,000 deaths. In other words, about half of the world’s esophageal cancer patients are in China.

Why is the prevalence of esophageal cancer so high in China? The reason is mainly related to four points.

1. The most cruel cause of cancer-genes

The Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Fudan UniversityIn a 6-year study, researchers found the genetic characteristics and genetic background of esophageal cancer patients in my country, and for the first time An important predisposing factor leading to the increased risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese and other Asian races was discovered-Germline mutation of NFE2L2 gene, Asian race The risk of germline mutation of the NFE2L2 gene in the species is higher than that of other races.

2. Esophageal cancer from hot food – hot food

“Eat while it’s hot” is a bad habit in my country’s eating habits. Eating too hot food for a long time will cause “injury” to the esophageal mucosa.

The maximum temperature that the esophagus can tolerate is 65°, once ingesting food above this temperature will cause chronic burns in the esophagus, which is what induces esophageal cancer important risk factors. The World Health Organization classifies hot drinks over 65° as a Class 2A carcinogen, that is, a substance that is likely to cause cancer to humans.

3. Inhaled esophageal cancer – cigarettes

Smoking is the leading cause of esophageal cancer in my country. One of the important risk factors for cancer, the harmful substances contained in tobacco will enter the esophagus with saliva and food, or act on the esophagus after being absorbed, which will eventually lead to cancer of the esophagus.

4. Esophageal cancer – pickled food

pickled food Contains large amounts ofnitrite, which are likely to be converted into after entering the body Nitrosamines, and nitrosamines are strong carcinogens. People who love pickled foods for a long time have an increased risk of esophageal cancer to a certain extent.

To prevent esophageal cancer, it is very important to correct some bad habits in life. And when the body suffers from esophageal cancer, it will send out some “call for help” signals.

Second, if these kinds of abnormalities occur when eating, be alert to esophageal cancer

1. There is a foreign body sensation when swallowing food, and it is choked


Early-stage esophageal cancer can cause patients to have a foreign body sensation when swallowing, especially when eating some dry and hard food, when the food passes through the lesion area, they will obviously feel a foreign body sensation. If you pay attention, you will find the location of the foreign body sensationusually in the same place, and some patients describe the symptom as always feeling that there is a “storage” in the esophagus food,” and couldn’t finish it.

2. Stagnation or frustration in swallowing

When swallowing food, food passes There will be obvious stagnation and frustration in a certain part. The symptoms generally do not persist, but will gradually decrease with the development of the disease. gradually became apparent.

3. Upper abdominal fullness and pain

Patients will experience abnormal upper abdominal pain on a daily basis. Abdominal fullness and pain, which are more pronounced when eating. However, symptoms do not appear every time you eat, and early symptoms often last for more than three months. Once the symptoms are persistent and frequent, the disease may not be in its early stages.

4. Retrosternal pain after eating< /p>

When swallowing food every day, you will find a slight pain in the sternum, and you can feel the pain part, the pain may be burning, acupuncture and traction. Pulling frictionlike.

Esophageal cancer will bring a great threat to the life safety of patients. Is there any method to help early detection of cancer?

Third, can esophageal cancer be detected at an early stage?

Due to the lack of specific symptoms in the early stage of esophageal cancer , most patients are already in the advanced stage. For some high-risk groups of esophageal cancer, regular screening is very important!

High-risk groups of esophageal cancer include:


①People from areas with high incidence of esophageal cancer in Lin County, Henan, Taihang Mountains, Guangdong-Fujian border, etc.;

②Esophageal cancer or head and neck cancer in the family People with a history of squamous cell carcinoma;

③People with heavy smoking and drinking;

⑤People with precancerous lesions such as esophageal dysplasia.

The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Gastrointestinal Dr. Zhang Li from the Endoscopy Center suggested that high-risk groups should start routine gastroscopy at the age of 40. Gastroscopy can help detect abnormalities in the esophagus in time. Some non-high-risk groups are also recommended at 50 Regular gastroscopy after age 1.

For ordinary people, thinking in life To prevent the occurrence of esophageal cancer, you can start from eating, and maintaining these habits may help reduce the risk of esophageal cancer.

4. How to take care of the delicate esophagus when eating?

1. Eat softly

Too rough food can easily cause esophageal mucosal damage when swallowing. Long-term intake of such food will cause Suffering from esophageal cancer buried hidden dangers.

2. Eat slowly

Don’t eat too hastily. Meals should be eaten within 20-30 minutes.

3. Eat warmer

change The bad habit of eating “while it’s hot” is also very important for preventing esophageal cancer. The daily intake of food should be mainly warm, and the hot food should be slightly cooled before eating.

Esophageal cancer has a high morbidity and mortality rate in my country. As ordinary people, if we want to prevent esophageal cancer, we need to correct bad habits from diet, and at the same time Pay attention to regular inspections.


[1] “Half of the world’s esophageal cancer occurs in China, how is the delicate esophagus “broken”? “. Life Times. 2020.12.22

[2]” [Daily Technology Express] Why is the incidence of esophageal cancer so high in my country? Experts in Cancer Hospital Discover Relevant “Gene Map””. Shanghai Association for Science and Technology. 2018.1.7

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