Are flat warts necessarily caused by gynecological HPV infection?

Not necessarily. The incidence of flat warts is not all related to gynecological HPV infection.

HPV has more than 100 genotypes, usually low-risk.

Flat warts are usually caused by a low-risk HPV infection, usually types 3 and 10, and rare types 20 and 29.

Gynecological-related HPV infection, mainly involving high-risk HPV 16, 18 (both are associated with 70% of cervical cancers), and may also involve high-risk HPV 31, 33, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, etc.; as for low-risk HPV 6, 11, 40 infection, it is mainly related to condyloma acuminatum.

Although most patients with flat warts are infected with low-risk HPV, it cannot be ruled out that female patients may have HPV infection in the cervix at the same time.

If you are concerned about the coexistence of high-risk subtype HPV virus infection, you need to do related testing in the gynecology department, and you can do cervical HPV screening.


Cao Jieqiong, Gynecologist

Review Specialist

Li Jin Attending Dermatology Physician


Planning: Monkey Pigeon | Producer: BruceLi

Typesetting: Yu Kai

Image source: Dr. Lilac Content Team, Figure Worm Creative