Hangzhou young man failed to get a blind date, and was diagnosed with liver disease by the woman’s parents

Hangzhou guy, 32 years old this year, did not look for a job after graduation, but started his own business. After struggling day and night, the company finally got on the right track, but people have also changed in several ways. There is less hair on the head, the size of the waist is larger, the belly is bulging, and the palms are turning red. I am often ridiculed that I have practiced iron sand palms. I also have a medical examination every year. Did not take it to heart.

I was introduced to a girl recently, and it developed to the stage of meeting the parents of both parties. As a result, the woman’s father is a Chinese medicine practitioner. Seeing the young man’s smile first became serious, he then proposed to the young man Taking the pulse, the old man pondered for a long time, and suggested to suspend the meeting between the parents of both parties, and suggested that the young man go to the hospital to check the liver, go to the hospital for examination, the doctor did a B-ultrasound, and told the young man that he had severe fatty liver, mild liver Hardening tendency, and high blood lipids.

The young man has no history of liver disease. Although he usually has liver discomfort, why does he have liver disease? After careful investigation of the cause, it was found that for the company’s business, the young man often drinks and smokes, drinks three meals a day, and also adds barbecue hot pot and other late-night snacks at night. Over time, liver problems occur.

Generally, when liver disease develops to the stage of liver cirrhosis, the complexion will be dull, the whites of the eyes will turn yellow, and the palms will turn red. In medicine, there is a special term called “liver palm”. And the ability of the liver to inactivate hormones in the body is reduced, resulting in the expansion of the blood vessels in the palms by hormones. Some people also have red spider-like moles on the neck and shoulders, called “spider moles”, which are all signs of liver disease.