Tumors are easy to recur in spring? Tumor patients should take care of these points in spring

Tumor patients have to overcome many obstacles on the way to fight cancer. Recurrence and metastasis are the important ones. Only by understanding the law of the disease can we deal with it calmly.

Spring tumor is easy to recur

Is it true?

In spring, all kinds of herbs regenerate, and all kinds of diseases are prone to occur. The temperature varies greatly and is capricious. Therefore, many diseases are prone to relapse in spring. For cancer patients, more attention should be paid to solar terms in spring.

1. Why does the tumor recur?

Wang Jing, Chief Physician of Breast Department, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences: Why does the tumor recur? In layman’s terms, not all tumor cells will obediently stay at the location of the primary tumor and wait for the surgeon to cut it off. Some tumor cells will spread to other locations through blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, etc.

When cancer cells escape surgery and get away with various treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, they may finally “find an opportunity” to grow again.

For example, after the initial treatment of breast cancer, a small number of people may experience regional recurrences such as subcutaneous chest wall, axillary lymph nodes, and internal mammary lymph nodes, as well as bone, liver, lung and other distant metastases, and contralateral recurrence. possibility of illness.

2. All things recover, and tumors are prone to recurrence

Li Zhong, chief physician of the Department of Hematology and Oncology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tumor metastasis and recurrence are common in spring.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes “correspondence between man and nature” and “integrity”. The human body and nature, various systems in the body, and inside and outside cells are always in a dynamic balance of yin and yang.

If you do not follow the characteristics of the solar terms, you will lose nourishment inside and outside, destroy the dynamic balance between the human body and nature, further affect the balance between the internal organs in the body, make the qi of the five zang organs out of balance, the circulation of qi and blood in the meridians and collaterals is not smooth, the righteous qi will be blocked, and the evil qi will be blocked. Breeding, over time, the body gradually in a “cancer state”, carcinogenic toxins endogenous.

3. Prevention of recurrence, standardized treatment is very important

Pan Zhanhe, chief physician of the Department of Oncology, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University: Prevention of recurrence, to be precise, is to reduce the risk of recurrence as much as possible, Not after treatment is over.

The most important measures to reduce the risk of recurrence are to make correct treatment decisions and standardize the implementation of treatment after the tumor is diagnosed.

In addition, follow-up should be done well, regular review, and early detection of signs of recurrence can be done early. Changing unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits is also the key to preventing recurrence.

Tumor metastasis

There are different ways and rules

Tumor cells break away from the primary tumor and spread to local normal tissues, and may also spread to distant parts of the body. This process is called tumor metastasis. The seeding and spread of tumor cells are often undetected, but there are traces to follow.

1. There are roughly four pathways for metastasis

Ma Huiwen, deputy chief physician of the Department of Medical Oncology, Chongqing University Cancer Hospital: Tumor metastasis mainly goes through four pathways.

· Direct spread: For example, central lung cancer can directly invade the mediastinum, pericardium and peripheral blood vessels, and spread along the bronchi to the ipsilateral or even contralateral lung tissue, etc.;

· Lymphatic metastasis: Tumor cells can metastasize to other parts along the lymphatic vessels, which is the main route of metastasis of gastric cancer; Most tumors can metastasize through this route;

· Implantation metastasis: For example, after gastric cancer cells, especially gastric mucosal cancer cells infiltrate the gastric serosa, they can fall off into the abdominal cavity and be implanted on the abdominal wall and pelvic organ peritoneum.

2. Metastases have frequent “destinations”

Wang Lulu, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Bioimmunology, Chongqing University Affiliated Cancer Hospital: There are certain rules and differences in the places where different tumors frequently metastasize.

· Lung cancer often metastasizes to adrenal gland, bone, brain, liver and contralateral lung;

· Breast cancer often metastasizes to bone, brain, liver, lung;

< p>· Colon cancer often metastasizes to liver, lung, peritoneum;

· Rectal cancer often metastasizes to liver, lung, peritoneum;

· Gastric cancer often metastasizes to liver, lung, peritoneum ;

· Bladder cancer often metastasizes to bone, liver, and lung;

· Uterine cancer often metastasizes to bone, liver, lung, peritoneum, and vagina;

· Renal malignancies often metastasize to the adrenal glands, bones, brain, liver, and lungs.

3. Different types of cancer, there are ways to deal with them

Ma Huiwen, deputy chief physician of the Department of Medical Oncology, Chongqing University Cancer Hospital: After cancer metastasis, comprehensive treatment can still be used to improve the effect. On the basis, local treatment of metastases is performed.

Take common bone metastases as an example, the incidence of bone metastases in breast cancer is as high as 65%-75%, and the median survival time of patients is still as long as 2 years, so patients should take active treatment.

Bone metastases are common in patients with prostate cancer. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an important clinical parameter. When PSA > 20 micrograms/L, a whole-body bone scan should be performed routinely.

The incidence of bone metastasis from lung cancer is 30%-40%. Some data show that the primary tumor with the highest incidence of bone metastasis in Chinese is lung cancer.

Tumor patients

Spring recuperation is the right time

1. Yang qi

In spring, the yang qi of the human body begins to grow, and the qi and blood gradually tend to Table, the pores are beginning to open. Attention should be paid to supplementing nutrition and protecting the yang qi in the body. Any situation that consumes yang qi and hinders yang qi should be avoided. This is very important for cancer patients, who often show a lack of yang qi.

2. Regulate the liver

Spring is also the season of high incidence of liver disease. People’s mental activity is related to the dredging function of the liver, and adverse emotional changes are the activators of cancer and are also very important for preventing the recurrence and metastasis of cancer.

3. Removing dampness

Spring dyspnea is mainly due to the heavy dampness and lack of yang energy in the human body at this time of the year, making it easy to feel sleepy, lethargic, difficult to concentrate, tired and weak, etc. Spring dyspnea will affect the liver. It is very important for cancer patients to strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver.