Elderly cold induced severe asthma, almost died! Do five points to prevent “silent lung”

Recently, the temperature has changed, and the number of cold patients has increased. The 61-year-old Uncle Li in Changsha developed symptoms such as coughing and expectoration after getting cold. He thought it would improve in a few days, but he did not expect to induce an acute attack of severe asthma. Shortness of breath, chest tightness, and a sudden respiratory arrest occurred, and almost died. He was rescued in the second emergency department of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital.

Uncle Li has suffered from asthma since he was a child. When he was young, he would feel short of breath after a little exercise. In middle age, the shortness of breath became more obvious after activities. It is difficult to breathe after walking 50 meters.

Some time ago, Mr. Li caught a cold and took medicine at home by himself. A few days later, he developed shortness of breath and chest tightness. He was sent to Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital Emergency Department II.

[Uncle Li is receiving treatment in the intensive care unit]

On the way to the hospital, Uncle Li suffered breathing After being admitted to the hospital, after emergency measures such as endotracheal intubation and ventilator-assisted breathing, the breathing still did not recover, and he was sent to the intensive care unit for systematic treatment.

After active treatment, Mr. Li recovered and was discharged from the hospital on March 29th.

Why a cold was almost fatal, the doctor told his family, it was because the cold induced severe asthma exacerbation and caused bronchospasm and stenosis, plus “old phlegm” “Occlusion of the airway, leading to respiratory arrest.

Director of the Second Emergency Department, Cao Yan said that in life, many people do not know that severe asthma is fatal.

During a severe asthma attack, the lungs are in a locked state and cannot be ventilated, and the wheezing in the lungs disappears instead, showing “silent lungs”. This is a particularly severe manifestation of asthma. Respiratory cardiac arrest occurs due to severe hypoxia.

If asthma patients develop wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, cough and other symptoms after a cold, or the original symptoms worsen, they should go to the hospital for treatment in time , so as not to delay the treatment time.

[Uncle Li’s condition has improved, and his family praised the medical care]

Director Cao Yan reminded that for asthma patients, the following points should be paid attention to in life:

< p>1. Avoid contact with allergens.

Pollen, poplar catkins, dust mites, molds, animal dander, etc. are common allergens that trigger allergic asthma. Therefore, in daily life, you should pay attention to wearing masks when going out, regular indoor cleaning, ventilation, drying clothes and quilts, etc.

2. reasonable meal.

Asthma should pay attention to light diet, less stimulation, not too full, too salty, too sweet, avoid cold, wine, spicy and other irritating food. People with allergies should pay attention to food allergies. Once they find that a certain food can indeed induce asthma, they should avoid eating.

3. Prevention of colds.

The temperature changes in spring are unstable, and it is easy to cause common diseases such as colds and upper respiratory tract infections. If there is no effective treatment, it is easy to cause asthma attacks. Therefore, patients with a history of asthma should pay special attention to keeping warm and cold, and be alert to colds.

4. Exercise properly.

Patients with allergic asthma should pay attention to reasonable physical exercise every day to enhance their physical fitness, so as to effectively resist the invasion of allergens.

5. Regulate medication use.

Adhere to the standard use of asthma medicine, you can get flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine to improve immunity.

(Edited by Rainbow.)

Special author of Hunan Medical Chat: Wu Jing, Tan Juncai, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital