A 3-year-old boy is possessed by a “player”? The culprit is hidden deep in his brain

Spring is here, and when you can’t get out of bed in the morning, even if you get up, the child is wobbly in class, you’re sleepy at work, and you can’t wake up. Children can’t concentrate on learning knowledge all day long, and adults are not efficient at work, yawning all day long and out of state.

There are also drivers who often drive long distances. No matter how nervous it is at the beginning, safety is the first priority, but it is inevitable after a long time. Fatigue, coupled with the boring journey, is inevitable, and many accidents are mostly caused by the driver’s drowsiness. It seems that being sleepy is really not a trivial matter, what should I do?

Why is it easy to be sleepy in the spring? strong>Changes in temperature, Because it’s hard to get through the cold winter, and then when spring starts, the temperature and humidity in the air will increase relatively much, the comfort of the human body will follow If it increases, the cortex of the brain will have a hypnotic effect, and it will naturally be easy to get sleepy.

Also because of physical reasons, the temperature rises in spring, the blood vessels in the skin will not be as tight as in winter, but will slowly expand, /strong>Then the blood flow rate will increase, and the blood flow will increase. Blood is pumped throughout the body, so when blood flow to the brain decreases. The cortical activity of the brain will be limited, and if it is not active, it will be sleepy.

It’s not a big thing to be sleepy in spring, but on different occasions, it’s a “big thing”, or a mishap” event”. So, here are a few quick and effective small methods for sleepiness in spring, which are easy to do. Quickly shake your now a little groggy brain and learn.

Small methods to teach you how to wake up quickly in three seconds are all “secrets”!

Object suspension method, focus your Attention: When we are sleepy, we all have a feeling that our head will not be able to concentrate, you don’t know what other people are saying, and you just want to play chess with Zhou Gong. Then you will be in a daze, you will be dreaming, others will look at you in a slack way, you will look sleepy at first glance. So you need to prepare a small notebook or pen. Place the book between the legs and clamp firmly to keep the book from falling. Or use two fingers to hold the end of the pen in the air, just to keep the pen from falling off. If you persist for a few minutes and you’ll find your focus is back, your drowsiness is relieved.

Drop things “deliberately” and pick them up: This method can be described as “easy”, “brutal”, and a bit “shameful”. It is to deliberately throw the pen on the ground, then bend over and keep your head down to pick it up, pause the action of picking up the pen for ten seconds and then stand up again, you will find yourself Not sleepy anymore. That’s because you don’t get enough sleep and you’re sluggish. And the simple act of lowering your head is what makes your brain blood flow, refreshed. If your body is soft enough, you can do a 10-second handstand, it will be more effective, but you still have to do what you can.

Hold your breath until the “eyes are venus” method: As the name suggests, it is holding your breath, holding your breath until you can’t catch your breath, you can feel your heart beating faster, and your eyes are sore Feel it on it, then relax. You will feel suddenly enlightened, the world is beautiful, and your body will be better!

Food refreshment: The first is to recommend coffee, Coffee contains caffeine, which can activate the nerves, and has a refreshing effect. There is also chewing gum. A study by Northumbria University in the United Kingdom showed that When people chew gum, the secretion of cortisol in the body will drop by 12%, which means that the brain will be awake, strong>Especially mint-flavored gum, which contains mint to freshen your breath. Energy drinks are also good options, but they must be serious energy drinks. Can relieve fatigue and focus. Because there is also caffeine in it, it will stimulate the nerves of the brain, and then make people sober, drivers who drive long distances can try it.

Finally, you can try the wind oil to refresh the brain, you can smear on the temples or put it in the nostrils and smell it. However, pregnant women should avoid using it, because the camphor component contained in the essential oil is not conducive to the development of the fetus. Also, don’t use it for people with skin diseases or injuries, it will feel painful when touched.

The above are a few small methods that are easy to get sleepy in spring. They are simple and easy to learn. You can try them when you are sleepy. Spring will be sleepy, and we have a solution. Gao Sande, a physician at the Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, said: In spring, everything starts to grow, and yang qi grows, which means that you should pay attention to health and Yang yang. Spring is the “golden period of nourishing the liver” again. We must hurry up, how to nourish the yang and protect the liver? You can try it from the diet.

Spring has begun, how to nourish the yang and protect the liver? Try these vegetables

The first is< strong>Bean sprouts, Confucius said: “Don’t eat from time to time, which means Don’t eat foods that are not in season. Bean sprouts will begin to grow in spring, and all varieties are readily available. Bean sprouts can be Relieves the symptoms of dry mouth and constipation in spring. Leeks contain fat, multivitamins or protein, which can strengthen the kidneys and refresh the mind.

Dangchunlei As soon as it starts, the bamboo shoots begin to grow wildly. The taste is refreshing and nutritious. It can clear heat and resolve phlegm, nourish the stomach and be beneficial to the health of the urinary system. Fruits and cherries are sweet, good for qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach However, don’t eat too much, it will get hot, especially in the already dry spring.

In addition to the daily diet should be light, less salt, less oil and more water,< strong>Those who are relatively weak can try ginseng or cordyceps. They also need to exercise a lot. There is a well-written poem “The grass grows and the warbler flies in the February sky, and the willows and willows are drunk in spring smoke.” The spring is very beautiful. Of course we have to start some outdoor exercise, can’t miss a good time to rejuvenate our body.Because all winter, our body has not been exercised, and then the body’s organs and thermoregulation will be Weakness. Therefore, proper exercise is needed to stretch the body, strengthen the exercise for muscles and joints. The temperature in spring has not fully come up, so don’t rush to take off your clothes and get cold. Yes Try light exercises such as jogging, gymnastics, or tai chi at around 4-6 p.m., the temperature is good, the air is good, 30 minutes to 1 hour is enough.

In summary, when the spring flowers bloom, you should be careful in your life and keep warm , Don’t be fooled by the sun at noon, to prevent colds and respiratory infections and other diseases. In spring, you must work harder to live Live!


1. “Drowsy in the morning? These methods can make you wake up quickly” – People’s Daily Online 2019-01-29

2. “How to quickly refresh yourself when you are sleepy”——Weather Network 2021-06-24