Jilin City added 268 local confirmed cases and 680 local asymptomatic infections

Chinanews.com, March 30. According to the website of the Jilin Municipal Health and Health Commission, from 0-24 o’clock on March 29, 268 new local confirmed cases (including 5 asymptomatic infections were converted into confirmed cases) in Jilin City. ). Among the new cases, there are 267 mild cases and 1 common type. Among them, there are 3 cases in Huadian City and 3 cases in Yongji County.

680 new cases of local asymptomatic infections, including 4 cases in Yongji County.

At present, the above infected persons have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment, and the close contacts and sub-close contacts of the above persons have been traced and investigated, and control measures have been implemented to ensure their lives and work. The site was terminally sanitized.

From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 29, 454 new confirmed cases were cured and discharged; 210 new cases of asymptomatic infection were released from isolation and medical observation.