Seven Academy Speed! 16-minute treatment of myocardial infarction patients set a new record

Dazhong Net·Poster reporter Xu Ling correspondent Liu Qingle Zhang Yingying reported from Jinan

Recently, in just 16 minutes, Jinan No. 7 People’s Hospital successfully treated Lao Li, a patient with myocardial infarction , created a new record for the hospital’s treatment of myocardial infarction patients, showing the speed of seven hospitals!

16 minutes is the D-to-W time, which refers to the time from the patient entering the hospital gate to the passage of the guide wire. This is a hard indicator to measure the ability of a hospital to treat acute myocardial infarction. The current international standard time for myocardial infarction treatment is 90 minutes. How did the Seventh Academy achieve such a fast speed?

16-minute first aid for life and death

Lao Li, 51 years old, is working in Jinan. At 16:30 on March 23, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest , the worker immediately dialed the 120 emergency number. “After receiving the call, we made emergency preparations and rushed to the patient’s side as quickly as possible.” Jing Dejin, a resident in the emergency department of the Seventh Hospital, was a doctor who followed the car. After getting into the ambulance, according to the prescribed procedures, he immediately performed an electrocardiogram examination for him, and sent the results to the special group for chest pain established by the hospital – the WeChat group of Hand in Hand, and briefly introduced the patient’s condition.

At the other end, the rescue team represented by Yin Xunli, director of the Cardiovascular Medicine Department of the Chest Pain Center of the Seventh Hospital, was preparing nervously and orderly. Contact the relevant departments to communicate, communicate and analyze the condition, open a green channel for patients, and activate the catheterization laboratory to actively prepare for surgery. At the same time, Yin Xunli kept in touch with Jing Dejin at all times to understand the progress of the patient’s condition and instructed Jing Dejin to open an intravenous channel for Lao Li.

Jing Dejin got in touch with Lao Li’s family in the ambulance, communicated about his condition, and obtained the consent of the family for emergency interventional surgery. The emergency route is determined, bypassing the hospital emergency department and CCU, and directly reaching the catheterization room.

17:50 The patient’s family agreed to the operation.

18:02 The ambulance arrived at the gate of the hospital and went straight to the catheterization room. At this time, the rescue team was ready and immediately started the tense and orderly rescue measures.

18:18 The guide wire passed through (D2W time was 16 minutes), blood flow was restored, and then a stent was implanted, and the operation was successfully completed.

18:35 After the operation, Lao Li entered the cardiac ward. The entire procedure went very smoothly.

“This is the routine route and plan of our chest pain center, bypassing emergency procedures and going directly to the cath lab, which saves 20 minutes of time “Introduced by Yin Xunli, in the process of treatment, first treatment is implemented and then payment is made, everything is patient-centered, and at the same time respects the opinions of family members. This time, it only took 16 minutes to treat Lao Li. The state stipulates that the PCI operation time is within 90 minutes, which fully reflects the level of cooperation between the chest pain centers of the seven hospitals in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction, and further improves the standardization of pre-hospital referrals. The ability to seamlessly connect with accurate treatment in the hospital.

“Through emergency coronary angiography, it was found that Lao Li’s left anterior descending artery was completely blocked. Since he called 120 in a timely manner, coupled with rapid treatment and little myocardial necrosis, the prognosis will be very good.” Yin Xun Li said that Lao Li’s future life will not be affected, and he can still do physical work normally.

Building a national grass-roots chest pain center

Wang Yeben, president of the hospital, introduced that the hospital’s chest pain center started construction in April last year. Treated more than 70 patients with acute myocardial infarction.

“The patient’s treatment is not only due to the calmness, cooperation and cooperation of the medical staff of the chest pain center team, and full rescue. The construction of the chest pain center actually It is a systematic project.” Wang Yeben said, taking pre-hospital first aid as an example, when 120 receives chest pain patients, it must be able to make a preliminary judgment on the cause at the first time, identify whether it is a high-risk patient such as myocardial infarction, and complete the first one within 10 minutes. The electrocardiogram was transmitted to the WeChat group of hand in hand for chest pain.

If the patient does not arrive, the information will arrive first, and the doctor will complete the procedures for the patient in advance; if the patient is in the ambulance, the doctor has completed the pretreatment and communicated with the patient in place; the hospital has opened a green channel, and the doctor will pay the fee after diagnosis and treatment. ; All relevant departments see the diagnosis and treatment order with the red seal of “Chest Pain Center”, all diagnosis and treatment items are green light all the way, and priority inspection and treatment; after entering the hospital, bypass the emergency department and go directly to the interventional operating room. All links are interlocked and seamlessly connected, and the ultimate rescue in 16 minutes can be achieved.

“We are a hospital that gathers the power of the whole hospital to integrate the pre-hospital emergency system and the green channel in the hospital. The multi-disciplinary cooperation method such as the laboratory department promotes the standardization and standardization of the operation of the chest pain center, and is constantly improving. This time, the patients with myocardial infarction were successfully treated in only 16 minutes, which created the record of the shortest time in the hospital, and also showed the speed of the seven hospitals. !” Wang Yeben is proud of his team.

It is difficult to identify patients with chest pain at the grassroots level. During the construction of the chest pain center, the Seventh Hospital established a linkage mechanism with surrounding townships and community health institutions such as Caishi to expand the “golden first aid circle” for chest pain treatment, and provided professional training and guidance for primary medical institutions to consolidate the treatment of chest pain patients in the jurisdiction. foundation. Wang Yeben said frankly that they achieved good results in 16 minutes in rescuing the patients, but they will not stop there, but will further optimize the process and technology to create a more rapid, timely, accurate and effective treatment system for patients with chest pain, so as to contribute to the health of the people. Provide better service. It is expected that in June this year, Jinan No. 7 People’s Hospital will pass the assessment of the national chest pain center and become a national grassroots chest pain center.