8,655 new local infections in a single day, Zhang Boli: Asymptomatic people can use Chinese patent medicine for early intervention

(People’s Daily Health Client Reporter Shi Mengzhu) On March 29, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps added 8,655 new local infections in a single day, including local cases 1565 cases and 7090 asymptomatic infections.

Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, told a reporter from the People’s Daily Health Client that the large number and high proportion of asymptomatic infections are the obvious characteristics of this round of epidemics. Western medicine is asymptomatic, while traditional Chinese medicine has syndromes.

“After the outbreak of the epidemic, extensive screening was carried out in various places. Due to early detection, many patients did not show symptoms of infection in the early stage of infection.” Zhang Boli said. Another important reason is that our residents have been vaccinated on a large scale. Zhang Boli explained that the immune system of the population is generally enhanced, so most of them are asymptomatic.

Asymptomatic people should not be taken lightly. Zhang Boli reminded: First, although asymptomatic, it is still contagious and more hidden; another is asymptomatic today, and may have symptoms tomorrow. Although asymptomatic infected people have no clinical symptoms, they have the virus in their bodies and are equally contagious.

“Especially for key populations, such as the elderly, those with underlying medical conditions, as well as frail, obese and heavy smokers, the presence of The risk of symptoms and a sharp turnaround requires special attention.” Zhang Boli said that the focus on general asymptomatic people is isolation and observation. However, some patients are asymptomatic in Western medicine, and Chinese medicine has syndromes. Patients often have TCM symptoms such as dry throat, sticky mouth, abdominal distension, constipation, and thick and greasy tongue coating. First, it can be controlled not to have symptoms of the new crown, especially if it does not turn into ordinary type or severe type; the second is to promote its nucleic acid to turn negative as soon as possible.

Zhang Boli said that only by finding all asymptomatic infected persons in the shortest time and completely blocking community transmission can the society be cleared as soon as possible.