related to you! The “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine” focuses on

People’s Daily Health Client Lin Jing

On March 29, the General Office of the State Council issued the “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine”. It is reported that this is the first five-year plan for traditional Chinese medicine issued in the name of the General Office of the State Council. Which ones are closely related to your life, let’s take a look!

Improve the ability of traditional Chinese medicine health services

During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, the advantages of holistic medicine and health medicine of traditional Chinese medicine will be further utilized, and efforts will be made to promote the establishment of a traditional Chinese medicine service system integrating preventive health care, disease treatment and rehabilitation.

Guanganmen Hospital Heilongjiang Hospital renderings.

Relying on the existing high-quality medical resources of traditional Chinese medicine, promote the construction projects of national medical centers (TCM) and national regional medical centers; support each county-level traditional Chinese medicine hospital to build 2 specialties of traditional Chinese medicine, improve the Township health centers and community health service centers have comprehensive service capabilities of traditional Chinese medicine halls; relying on existing resources to deploy a number of traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation centers, strengthen the construction of rehabilitation departments in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, promote traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation technology in other hospitals, and improve the ability of traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation services; focus on children , the elderly, chronic disease management, etc. to improve the ability of traditional Chinese medicine health management services and improve the rate of traditional Chinese medicine health management; promote family doctors to contract traditional Chinese medicine services, implement the staffing of traditional Chinese medicine for the contracted team, and improve the quantity and quality of traditional Chinese medicine contracted services; In the national basic public health service project, the integration of medical treatment and prevention is strengthened for chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and the content of traditional Chinese medicine health management services is optimized. At the same time, build a highland and build a group of “flagship” hospitals and “flagship” departments in collaboration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Improve TCM prices and health insurance policies

Establish a TCM medical service health technology evaluation system based on clinical value and technical labor value, and optimize TCM medical service price policy. Implement the dynamic adjustment mechanism for medical service prices, include eligible TCM medical service items into the price adjustment range, straighten out the relationship between medical service prices, and alleviate the structural contradiction in medical service prices. Support the inclusion of traditional Chinese medicine medical service items and traditional Chinese medicines with advantages in efficacy and cost into the scope of basic medical insurance payment according to regulations, and comprehensively consider factors such as effectiveness and economy, and reasonably determine the categories A and B in the list.

Select and release more TCM dominant diseases, and include them in the category of payment by disease, and encourage the implementation of TCM and Western medicine for the same disease with the same effect and the same price. General TCM diagnosis and treatment items can continue to be paid by item. For some chronic diseases, pay per capita, improve relevant technical specifications, etc., and encourage and guide grass-roots medical and health institutions to provide appropriate traditional Chinese medicine services.

Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Strengthen the connection between basic medical insurance and commercial health insurance, encourage commercial insurance institutions to develop traditional Chinese medicine-specific health insurance products such as TCM treatment for pre-disease, and establish an information docking mechanism between insurance companies and traditional Chinese medicine institutions. Support the provision and use of traditional Chinese medicine services.

Actively respond to an aging population

Strengthen the capacity building of geriatric health services in medical institutions, encourage traditional Chinese medicine hospitals above the second level to set up geriatrics departments, and carry out geriatric and chronic disease prevention and rehabilitation care. Support the cooperation between second-level and above TCM hospitals and pension institutions to jointly build and set up medical and pension complexes. Strengthen the construction of traditional Chinese medicine departments in other medical institutions such as rehabilitation, nursing, convalescence, and palliative care.

Promote TCM elderly health services to rural areas, communities and families, encourage qualified TCM hospitals to carry out community and home TCM health services, encourage TCM physicians to join the family doctor signing team, and continue Do a good job in traditional Chinese medicine health management projects.

Support elderly care institutions to carry out health management services for the elderly with TCM characteristics, and encourage TCM physicians to provide health consultation and conditioning services in elderly care institutions. In the national medical and elderly care integration demonstration projects, a number of medical and elderly care integration demonstration institutions with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics shall be cultivated, and actions to improve the service quality of medical and elderly care institutions shall be carried out to improve the traditional Chinese medicine service capabilities of medical and elderly care institutions.

Strengthen the quality supervision of traditional Chinese medicine

Aiming at all links in the whole life cycle of traditional Chinese medicine, comprehensively improve the quality control level of planting, harvesting, processing, production, packaging, testing, transportation, storage and other links, and gradually build a whole-process quality control system. Strengthen source management, pay attention to the authenticity of medicinal materials, guide resource elements to gather in authentic areas, and promote the standardized planting of traditional Chinese medicinal materials.

Severely crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit and inferior Chinese medicine decoction pieces, Chinese patent medicine and other illegal activities, and establish a long-term risk management mechanism for Chinese patent medicine monitoring, early warning, emergency response, recall, market withdrawal and elimination. Further encourage traditional Chinese medicine producers and operators to build a standardized traceability system for the whole process of planting raw materials of Chinese herbal medicines to Chinese herbal decoction pieces, and the production and sales of proprietary Chinese medicines, so that sources can be known, whereabouts can be traced, and responsibilities can be investigated, and promote effective connection and seamless supervision of all production links.

Developing Chinese Medicine Health Tourism Industry

In recent years, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, together with the former National Tourism Administration, has announced 15 establishments of national TCM health tourism demonstration zones and 72 establishments of national TCM health tourism demonstration bases , jointly announced the list of 96 national forest health care bases with the National Forestry and Grass Administration, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the National Health Commission, and supported the organization of the Beijing International Health TourTourism Expo, International Health Tourism Industry Training Conference, etc., to enhance the industry’s ability to carry out traditional Chinese medicine health tourism business.

During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, it will give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and promote the integrated development of traditional Chinese medicine resources and forest resources. Adhere to the leadership of health care and integrated development, advocate the concept of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of diseases, integrate and develop with services such as health care, elderly care, sports and education, and jointly build and share a green and healthy lifestyle; adhere to local conditions and characteristic development, follow the natural resources endowment, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. , regional culture and other regional characteristics, develop characteristic forest health care services based on its own advantages in forest resources, landscape resources, medical resources, human resources, etc.; adhere to laws and regulations, standardize development, establish and improve management systems, service systems and safety standards, and strengthen practitioners. Personnel quality education, and standardize the development of various forest health care service activities.

Popularize Chinese Medicine Culture

By holding a number of mass activities, creating a number of dissemination platforms, launching a number of high-quality masterpieces, and promoting the penetration of traditional Chinese medicine culture into national education, etc., the scientific knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine science can be more widely touched To reach the masses, let the traditional Chinese medicine culture be more deeply integrated into the production and life of the masses.

Guangdong Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Build the National Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine, promote the construction of key traditional Chinese medicine museums, the construction of traditional Chinese medicine cultural parks, and the capacity enhancement of traditional Chinese medicine museums. Cultivate 10-15 national first-level and second-level traditional Chinese medicine museums with demonstration and leading roles, and create an important window for publicizing and displaying the cultural connotation and development history of traditional Chinese medicine. Further promote the integrated development of traditional Chinese medicine and the cultural industry, guide and support the creation of literature and art on the theme of traditional Chinese medicine, and enrich the supply of traditional Chinese medicine cultural products and high-quality services. Establish a collaborative innovation mechanism of “knowledgeable and research”, and explore and apply for major national science and technology projects that support the development of traditional Chinese medicine museums for research on common key technologies.

Editor in charge: Lin Jing