High blood pressure “big family” was found! It is 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, doctor: I don’t want blood pressure to “surge”, advise to eat less

As we all know, high blood pressure, high blood lipids and high blood sugar are called “three highs”, and high blood pressure is a chronic disease, which is hidden and has a high morbidity rate. In addition, there is no abnormality in the early stage of high blood pressure, which is easily ignored by people. .

Data show that there are nearly 400 million people with hypertension in my country, in other words, nearly 1 in every 4 people suffers from hypertension. Not only that, but hypertension is getting younger and younger.

If you are in a state of high blood pressure for a long time, it will easily lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and kidney diseases. What is even more worrying is that at present, high blood pressure has not been completely cured.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop good eating habits at ordinary times, so as to avoid the increase of blood pressure, which will cause damage to the body, affect the normal operation of the body, and lead to other complications.

So what is high blood pressure? How is high blood pressure classified? The doctor gave the answer

Blood circulation and blood flow in the body need blood pressure to maintain, and blood pressure is not static, it will show a “sinusoidal” change over time, and the blood pressure value also exists. There are “peaks” and “peaks and valleys”.

However, how the blood pressure changes in the body will fluctuate within a certain range. If it exceeds this value, it is called high blood pressure. According to the latest hypertension guidelines, blood pressure exceeding 140/90mmHg is called high blood pressure .

In addition, there is also the saying of borderline high blood pressure. This value range is 135/85~139/89mmHg. If it is in this range, it is not recommended to take antihypertensive drugs, and it can be stabilized by adjusting the diet blood pressure.

Advice: The body has the following abnormalities, most of which are elevated blood pressure, please pay attention

● Paroxysmal dizziness: Often in a state of high blood pressure, the elasticity of blood vessels will be weakened, the hardness of the blood vessel walls will increase, causing problems in blood circulation, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in dizziness.

● Abnormal chest tightness: Some hypertensive patients are prone to feel fatigued and mentally ill. For too long, it may cause left ventricle dilation and myocardial hypertrophy, resulting in abnormal chest tightness and palpitations Panic and so on.

● Numbness of the limbs: After the blood pressure rises, it is not conducive to the stability of the internal environment, and it is easy to cause abnormal blood vessel expansion and contraction, resulting in partial limbs Insufficient blood supply can also lead to increased intracranial pressure and numbness of the bleeding limbs.

● Nausea and vomiting: Some patients with high blood pressure will experience nausea and vomiting, severe headache, memory loss and other symptoms, and even, for a long time, will cause vision loss and lower extremity edema Wait, pay attention to blood pressure adjustment.

The “big family” of high blood pressure was found to be 10 times more than tobacco and alcohol. I advise you to eat less and don’t be careless p>

I believe that many hypertensive patients have heard that people with high blood pressure should not consume too much sodium, such as table salt, monosodium glutamate, etc. You must know that these two seasonings are typical high-sodium foods.

Studies have found that excessive accumulation of sodium in the body can easily lead to an imbalance of sodium and potassium, resulting in increased blood volume, greater blood pressure fluctuations, and high blood pressure, which is undoubtedly worse for hypertensive patients. .

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of sodium salt in life. In addition, the World Health Organization once clearly pointed out that the daily salt intake should be controlled within 6g, and do not eat too much, so as not to affect the health of the body.

Relieve blood pressure rise and protect blood vessels, what can we do?

First, add more trace elements

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Secondly, keep exercising every day

After the blood pressure rises, you should keep exercising every day, try not to sit for a long time, during exercise, it can promote blood flow It can improve the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce blood vessel damage and reduce the occurrence of vascular diseases.

Not only that, exercise can also accelerate the decomposition of lipids, relieve vascular sclerosis, help blood vessel transport and normal operation of the body, and reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or other diseases.

However, when exercising, you should pay attention to the control of the amount of exercise. People with high blood pressure should not engage in strenuous exercise. Otherwise, it will not only be harmful to blood vessels, but also accelerate blood vessel damage and cause cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction. .

Finally, try to go to bed as early as possible

If you want to have stable blood pressure, you should usually have enough sleep time and don’t stay up late for a long time. You must know that staying up late often will cause the body’s metabolism to be disordered, resulting in abnormal metabolism of toxins and harmful substances.

Excessive time will cause toxins and harmful substances to deposit on the blood vessel wall, causing blood vessel damage. Over time, it will also cause vascular disease, which will affect the body and blood vessels.

It is recommended that you have a good sleep habit every day, try to keep your work and rest as normal as possible, fall asleep before 10 o’clock in the evening, and leave enough rest time for the internal organs, which is good for the body and blood vessels.