The incidence of laryngeal cancer is not only related to smoking, but also related to these 6 factors. If there are 4 symptoms, it should be paid attention to

Laryngeal cancer is a common disease among men aged 60-70, with a relatively low incidence and a great threat to health and life. Therefore, the pathogenic factors of laryngeal cancer should be grasped, and then the occurrence of laryngeal cancer should be fundamentally prevented.

Except for lung cancer, most malignancies caused by tobacco occur in the head and neck.

Because only in this way can tobacco get into the lungs, it is very harmful. Laryngeal cancer ‘prefers’ smokers? Is the risk factor of throat cancer also related to these things?

I. Does heavy smoking cause throat cancer?

Studies show that the vast majority of laryngeal cancer patients have a long-term smoking history, and more than half of the patients smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, including women.

In the early stages, throat cancer exhibits many symptoms that we would treat as common diseases, such as colds, pharyngitis, etc. But in fact, it’s just a minor ailment.

Even if symptoms are present, they resolve quickly, unlike cancer. Symptoms can get worse over time.

Large smoking may cause throat cancer. The benzopyrene contained in the tar produced by burning tobacco can cause cancer and increase the incidence of other cancers, such as lung cancer.

The harmful substances in cigarettes can directly enter the throat and cause damage to the throat. In addition, cigarettes contain large amounts of carcinogens such as nicotine and tar.

The incidence of laryngeal cancer is proportional to the amount of daily smoking and the total duration of smoking. What are the risk factors for laryngeal cancer?

Second, the risk factors of laryngeal cancer< /p>

1. Long-term smoking and drinking

Long-term excessive drinking will not only stimulate the stomach, but also stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Over time, the mucosa will become cancerous.

It also causes some damage to the throat, and people who smoke and drink alcohol have a higher risk of throat cancer, even 8 times that of the general population.

2. Long-term exposure to harmful substances

Long-term exposure to harmful substances or carcinogens can also increase the incidence of laryngeal cancer, such as long-term exposure to asbestos, mustard gas, nickel, etc.

When these substances enter the human body, they will directly cause irreversible damage to the throat and increase the incidence of throat cancer. So, take precautions and wear protective clothing and masks.

3. Air pollution

Inhale some Harmful gases, such as sulfur dioxide or other dusts, can also cause cancer.

The early symptoms of throat cancer can easily be confused with other common diseases. If you don’t know much about the disease, you may miss the best time for treatment.

4. Viral infection

Adult nipples Cystoma is a viral tumor caused by human papillomavirus and is also a precancerous lesion of laryngeal cancer. Therefore, people infected with HPV have a much higher chance of developing throat cancer than the general population.

Therefore, once infection is confirmed, prompt treatment is required to block the precancerous lesions of laryngeal cancer.

5, spicy food

some people Especially like spicy, spicy skewers and so on. These foods will not only damage the throat and increase the incidence of throat cancer, but also damage the eyes, trachea, lungs, esophagus, stomach and other parts, which will not only cause lesions in these parts, but also cancer. Therefore, the diet should be as light as possible, with minimal condiments in cooking.

6. Drink hot tea

The latest research shows that drinking tea that is too hot can also easily induce cancer. The study pointed out that compared to tea below 65°C, if the water temperature is higher thanAt 70°C, the risk of developing throat cancer increases sevenfold.

Laryngeal cancer can find some “traces” through physical changes. Once you find the following four symptoms, you should go to the hospital immediately.

1. Chronic hoarseness: The hoarseness caused by laryngeal cancer is long-term and cannot be improved. It should be noted that pharyngeal pain is not obvious in patients with early laryngeal cancer.

2. Bloody sputum: When throat cancer develops to a certain extent, there will be bloody sputum. In severe cases, vomiting may occur.

3. Difficulty breathing: Because laryngeal cancer is a cancer of the pharynx, there will be a foreign body sensation in the pharynx, resulting in difficulty in breathing, especially when inhaling .

4. Neck mass: A neck mass will appear when laryngeal cancer metastasizes. It is soft in the early stage and can be pushed. In later stages, cannot be moved.

Reminder: Compared with other cancers, laryngeal cancer has a relatively high cure rate . In order to reduce the incidence of laryngeal cancer, one should firstly quit smoking and drinking, and secondly, take protective measures when exposed to harmful substances. Finally, after the discovery of human papillomavirus infection, it should be treated in time to prevent cancer.

In addition, pay attention to oral hygiene, prevent respiratory diseases, and avoid throat damage caused by viral and bacterial infections. At present, the clinical treatment of laryngeal cancer mainly includes surgery and radiotherapy, and doctors will choose the treatment plan according to the patient’s condition and tolerance.

It should be reminded that patients with laryngeal cancer must receive regular treatment in a regular hospital, and never believe the “home remedies” in the mouths of others.