Frequent backaches

Being sedentary, working at a desk for a long time, lack of exercise, and hunched over for a long time will increase the burden on the waist, and these behaviors are the normal state of many people’s daily life, which is why more and more There are many reasons why people have low back pain, including many young people.

Then I always have low back pain, how can I relieve it?

These methods can help relieve lower back pressure

1. Lying down

The waist is the most relaxed when the human body is lying down. The lumbar spine is composed of vertebrae, and the middle of the lumbar spine is The intervertebral disc has a certain elasticity and can play a buffering role, and changes in posture will affect the pressure on the intervertebral disc.

When lying flat, the pressure in the intervertebral disc is the least, because in this state the pelvis is parallel to the shoulders, the spine is straight, and the burden on the waist is the least.

If you lie on your side, your chest, shoulders, and buttocks will be in contact with the bed surface. Relatively speaking, the contact area will be relatively small, but your waist will need to bear a lot of pressure.

Because of the gravity of the internal organs in the abdominal cavity, the spine will bend downward. The spine in this part will bear the pressure on the top, and the lower part will be stretched, which will damage the waist.

2. Standing is less stressful than sitting

When the human body stands, the spine needs to bear 100% pressure, and the pressure on the waist when sitting is greater than when standing.

Because the waist and hips are in a right angle state when sitting, the power is evenly transmitted up and down when standing, and it will not bring a lot of pressure to the waist.

However, standing on the side will increase the tension of the muscles on one side, which will cause uneven stress on both sides of the lumbar spine for a long time, and will also cause pain in the lower back.

So to master the correct stance, the correct way is to retract the chin slightly, clamp the waist Tight and tilt your pelvis slightly forward.

At the same time, sit upright, with your body straight, your back slightly bent forward, your waist leaning on the backrest, and two-thirds of your thighs sitting on a stool.

If you need to sit for a long time, it is best to put a cushion on the chair, which can support the back and avoid excessive bending of the waist.

3. Don’t lean forward too much

Many people habitually lie on their desks during their daily work and study. They also habitually lean on the shopping cart when they are shopping, and habitually lean forward when driving. This will cause their waists to suffer for a long time. pain.

When leaning forward, the spine will have to be stretched due to the pressure. At this time, the waist needs to bear a lot of pressure, which will cause the surrounding nerves to be compressed, causing low back pain, especially when lifting weights. Leaning forward will increase the pressure on the lower back.

In addition to mastering the correct standing and sitting posture, you should keep your spine upright when doing housework, such as washing dishes, dishes, mopping the floor, and washing clothes, and do not bend for a long time. waist, so as not to damage the lumbar spine.

4. Don’t move things upright

Bending down to move things for a long time can easily induce lumbar disc herniation, because the lumbar spine needs to bear a lot of pressure when moving things upright.

In addition, often crossing Erlang’s legs will cause continuous pressure on the pelvis and hip joints, which can easily cause lower back pain.

It can be seen that the above methods are very helpful for relieving the pressure on the waist and reducing back pain .

The health of the waist is very important to the body. If the waist is abnormal, it will affect the ability to move, and even lead to paralysis in severe cases. Therefore, we must pay attention to the care of the waist every day.

Not only do you need to master the correct standing and sitting posture, you can also use swimming, plank support, etc. to relieve low back pain, especially breaststroke can exercise the muscles of the lower back.