Jilin Siping City added 7 local confirmed cases yesterday, and the trajectory was announced

From 0 to 24:00 on March 29, 7 new local confirmed cases (light) and 2 new local asymptomatic infections were added in Siping City, of which 5 were found in home isolation and 1 Screening in the closed area found that 3 cases were found in centralized isolation. The main activity trajectories are now announced as follows (no activity trajectories in public places have been found in the unannounced time period):

Confirmed Case 1:

Female, 52 years old, is the sister of the confirmed case 2 reported at 20:00 on March 27 in Siping City, and now lives in Tiaozihe Village, Pingxi Township, Tiexi District. From March 27th to 28th, they were managed at home within the closed control area. On March 29th, the nucleic acid test was positive, and the city-level expert group diagnosed a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild).

Confirmed Case 2:

Female, 50 years old, currently living in Erli Community, Tiexi District. From March 27th to 28th, he was isolated at home. On March 29th, the nucleic acid test was positive. He was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) by the municipal expert group.

Confirmed Case 3:

Female, 21 years old, is in the same community and unit as confirmed case 2, and now lives in Erli Community, Tiexi District. From March 27th to 28th, he was isolated at home. On March 29th, the nucleic acid test was positive. He was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) by the municipal expert group.

Confirmed Case 4:

Male, 48 years old, the husband of the confirmed case 2 reported at 23:00 on March 27 in Siping City, the current address is the family building of Hongye Passenger Transport Company, Erli District, Tiexi District . On March 28, the 13-mu local cabin hospital was quarantined in a centralized manner. On March 29, the nucleic acid test was positive, and the city-level expert group diagnosed a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild).

Confirmed Case 5:

Male, 16 years old, the son of the confirmed case 2 reported at 23:00 on March 27 in Siping City, the current address is the family building of Hongye Passenger Transport Company, Erli District, Tiexi District . On March 28, the 13-mu local cabin hospital was quarantined in a centralized manner. On March 29, the nucleic acid test was positive, and the city-level expert group diagnosed a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild).

Confirmed Case 6:

Female, 58 years old, currently living in Shunda Community, Tiexi District. From March 27th to 28th, he was isolated at home. On March 29th, the nucleic acid test was positive. He was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild) by the municipal expert group.

Confirmed Case 7:

Female, 28 years old, is a colleague who reported asymptomatic infection 1 at 20:00 on March 27 in Siping City. Her current address is Huayi Zijin City, Tiedong District. From March 27th to 28th, the square cabins in Tiedong District were isolated in a centralized manner. On March 29th, the nucleic acid test was positive, and the city-level expert group diagnosed a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (light).

Asymptomatic infected person 1:

Male, 46 years old, currently living in Dongda Community, Tiedong District. From March 27th to 28th, he was isolated at home. On March 29th, the nucleic acid test was positive, and he was diagnosed as asymptomatic infection of new coronary pneumonia by the municipal expert group.

Asymptomatic infected person 2:

Female, 85 years old, in the same community as confirmed case 2 Unit, currently located in Erli Community, Tiexi District. I was isolated at home from March 27 to 28, and the nucleic acid test was positive on March 29. The municipal expert group diagnosed asymptomatic infection of new coronary pneumonia (light).

Source CCTV News Client

Editor Hu Decheng

Process Editor Liu Weili