Can you tell these spring vegetables apart?

Halfway through spring, all kinds of spring vegetables are already on the market. Now is a good time to taste spring vegetables. But shepherd’s purse, Chinese toon, Malantou… Can you distinguish all of these dishes, and how can you eat them? Let’s find out together!

Shepherd’s Purse

Shepherd’s purse is a seasonal dish in winter and spring. stuffing. The green shepherd’s purse leaves with serrated teeth are the most tender in March and April every year. Shepherd’s purse is a high-fiber vegetable and contains more vitamin A, which has a certain therapeutic effect on eye diseases such as cataract and night blindness. Shepherd’s purse cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and can also lower blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels. Su Dongpo praised it as “a treasure of nature. Although it is small in taste, it has beauty beyond the taste.”

Toona sinensis

Toon can be described as It is a seasonal famous product in spring. The thicker the stem, the more tender it is. If you can smell the fragrance when buying toona sinensis, it means that it is relatively fresh. Eating toona sinensis in spring can clear away heat and detoxify, strengthen the stomach and regulate qi. Toona sinensis is the tender bud of the toon tree. As the saying goes, “Toon toon scrambles eggs without changing the meat and fish”, which shows its deliciousness. Li Yu, who was born in Rugao, Jiangsu, wrote in “Leisurely Feelings Ouzhi”: “The head of toon is also the one who can eat the food.” The entrance, Sanchun will not forget.”

Bean sprouts

Bean sprouts are high in dietary fiber. Eating more bean sprouts in dry spring can clear heat and diuresis. Put the bean sprouts on the fire and fry them for a few times, it is crisp, refreshing and delicious.

Ma Lantou

“Ma Lantou” often grows in spring on roadsides, fields, river banks and other places. Boiled in boiling water, chopped finely, fragrant and fragrant, mixed with dried incense, it is an intriguing vegetable. Ma Lantou is also known as Red Stem Vegetable. In the “Wild Cookbook” written by Wang Xilou from Gaoyou in the Ming Dynasty, Ma Lantou was recorded as “Ma Lantou”. Malantou is spicy, cool in nature and has medicinal effects. Yuan Mei, a “foodie” in the Qing Dynasty, recorded in the “Suiyuan Food List”: “Malan head vegetables, pick the tender ones, mix them with vinegar and bamboo shoots, eat them after greasy, can refresh the spleen.

Grass head

The grass head is also called “alfalfa head”. Among the wild vegetables in early spring, the alfalfa head is the most tender. Cooking with white wine or rice wine can completely remove the fragrance of the grass head. When inspired, this is the most common practice, and grass heads can also be used to make snacks. There are many common names for grass heads, such as “hen head” in Nanjing, “Golden cauliflower” in Suzhou, and “cao head” in Changshu. Yangzhou people call it “Yangcao”. The head of the grass is usually fried and eaten. The writer Ye Lingfeng wrote in his prose: “Our hometown also pickles it as a pickle. The color is yellowish over time, and it tastes sweet with a slightly bitter taste. A very good ‘tea and rice’ side dish”.

Spring chives

Spring chives are the best among chives, especially delicious , has the functions of strengthening the stomach, refreshing the mind, strengthening the kidney, etc. Spring chives can be eaten in various ways, not only with meat, eggs, shrimp, etc., but also as fillings for steamed buns and dumplings.

Bean sprouts

Bean sprouts are very rich in calcium B vitamins, vitamin C and carotene, which have the functions of clearing heat, diuresis, antidiarrheal, swelling, pain relief and digestion. It also makes the skin smooth and soft.


Asparagus has Delicious and aromatic flavor, dietary fiber is soft and delicious, can increase appetite and help digestion. Regular consumption has a certain curative effect on heart disease, high blood pressure, tachycardia, fatigue and edema.


Asparagus is a nutritious food with high protein, low fat, low starch and high fiber. Chinese medicine believes that bamboo shoots are sweet, slightly bitter, and cold in nature.

Garlic sprouts (tái)

Garlic sprouts are warm in nature, have the functions of warming the middle and lowering the qi, nourishing deficiency, reconciling the internal organs, as well as promoting blood circulation, preventing cancer, and sterilizing, and have certain curative effects on abdominal pain and diarrhea.


Lettuce can increase appetite, promote the secretion of digestive juice and gastrointestinal motility, and can also prevent iron deficiency anemia, heat Only slightly higher than winter melon, it is a good food for those who want to lose weight and get fit.

After reading these, don’t see the green vegetables on the table again, and you can’t tell the difference!

Where to find spring vegetables?

Although the season of eating spring vegetables is coming, the correct way to get spring vegetables is not to dig in the park, on the roadside, or by the river… Where can we find spring vegetables? The best answer to this question It must be – a wet market or a supermarket.

The vast majority of common wild vegetables can be found on the market, and many of them are grown by the farmers themselves. You don’t need to bother to identify, dig hard, and the price is reasonable and safe.

The price of spring vegetables has been cut in half

Recently, the reporter visited major supermarkets in Wuhan and learned that a large number of fresh vegetables in the spring season have begun to be new. In addition to local spring vegetables, many special products from other provinces and cities You can also log in to the citizen’s “vegetable basket”, which is convenient for early adopters. As soon as there are more spring vegetables on the market, the price will naturally drop. The price of spring vegetables that has dropped the most in the past few days is undoubtedly toon. Although the price of more than 20 yuan is still quite high, compared with more than 100 yuan per pound in earlier days, the price is cut in half. Compared with the toona sinensis, which has plummeted in price, the price of spring bamboo shoots, the favorite of Wuhan people, has also dropped significantly.

Although spring vegetables are delicious, they still need to be paid attention to

The doctor reminded that spring-limited wild vegetables such as malantou and shepherd’s purse are what Chinese medicine calls “hair products”. Irritant, easy to cause allergic reactions, or induce or aggravate existing chronic diseases. Common hair products in spring also include: peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, mangoes, pineapples and other fruits, bamboo shoots, lettuce, amaranth and other photosensitive vegetables. People with allergies should eat as little light-sensitive food and fruit as possible.

What is your favorite spring vegetable? Let’s chat in the comment area together~

(produced by the Changjiang Daily Wuhan client, edited and integrated: Zheng Xiaoxiao Source: Xinhuanet, People’s Information, China Meteorological News Agency, China Weather, etc.)