Can drinking tea really “shave oil”? Come see the scientific explanation

After eating greasy, drinking a cup of tea immediately feels refreshing from the mouth to the stomach; if you drink a lot of tea, you will feel hungry after a long time.

These feelings after drinking tea make many people agree that drinking tea can “shave oil”.

How does drinking tea help relieve fatigue? If drinking tea can “shave oil”, does drinking more tea help you lose weight?

As the Qingming Festival is approaching, many teas before the Ming Dynasty are already on the market. Life Times (Search “LT0385” in WeChat to follow) interviewed experts to reveal the drink for you The principle of easy hunger after tea, and how to choose high-quality spring tea.

Interviewed experts

Liu Zhonghua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of Hunan Agricultural University

Professor-level senior engineer, national first-class tea appraiser Shen Hong

Director of Nutrition Department of Dalian Central Hospital, Wang Xingguo

Hungry fast after drinking tea≠scraping oil

Whether it is easier to feel hungry after drinking tea, or to relieve the feeling of greasy, it is tea that has an effect on the stomach and intestines.

Tea contains ingredients such as caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, which can stimulate gastric acid secretion and increase gastric motility.

Increased gastric acid secretion and accelerated gastrointestinal motility aid in food digestion, making people feel fatter or hungry faster.

However, cellulite and greasy relief and hunger do not mean that drinking tea can shave oil or lose weight, because drinking tea only changes the process and feeling of digestion, while Not the result of digestion.

Drinking tea improves digestion, but doesn’t burn calories. The energy that people eat three meals a day, whether it is sugar, protein or fat, will not be consumed by drinking tea. Drinking tea only speeds up the digestion process.

Pu-erh tea and black tea stimulate the secretion of gastric acid more than green tea, so drinking Pu-erh tea is more likely to be hungry.

Caffeine does not speed up metabolism. Some people try to reason about the weight loss effect of tea with the stimulant effect of caffeine: caffeine stimulates people, increases basal metabolic energy consumption, and thus can lose weight.

In fact, caffeine does make people feel more refreshed and athletic, but it has little effect on basal metabolism.

So tea, coffee, caffeinated drinks, etc. are not enough for weight loss purposes.

One day, one year, one lifetime, tea should be changed to drink

Green tea, yellow tea, white tea, black tea, oolong tea, dark tea and other six major types of tea have different flavors and ingredients due to different production processes.

The tea drinking suggestion of Academician Liu Zhonghua is: one day, one year, and one lifetime, tea should be drunk alternately.

Green tea is non-fermented tea, white tea and yellow tea are lightly fermented tea, oolong tea is semi-fermented tea, black tea is fully fermented tea, and dark tea is post-fermented tea.

If the degree of oxidation and fermentation is sorted from light to heavy, the order is green tea, white tea, yellow tea, oolong tea, black tea, and dark tea, which basically conforms to the order of traditional Chinese medicine from cool to warm. .


Morning green and evening black

When drinking tea, you can follow the rule of drinking from light oxidation to heavy fermentation.

During the day, drinking a cup of green tea with high excitement in the morning can make people more energetic. If you eat greasy at night, drinking a cup of dark tea can help your metabolism.

During the year, drink green tea and white tea that are more irritating and relatively cool in summer, and drink less irritating and relatively warm tea in winter Black tea, dark tea warms the stomach.

During a lifetime, it also changes from light oxidation to heavy fermentation with age: sleep quality is better when you are young, and drink a cup of coffee with higher caffeine content. Green tea will not affect sleep; in old age, people often “doze off while sitting, and can’t fall asleep when lying down.”

Of course, the above recommendations are not absolute and need to take into account individual tea drinking preferences and physical differences.



Drinking 9-10 grams of tea every day is a moderate amount, which can be brewed three times in the morning, noon and evening. The study found that the health effects of tea also have a dose-effect relationship. It is hoped that more health benefits can be obtained by drinking tea, and it is recommended to appropriately increase the amount of tea.

Overnight Tea

Better not drink it

“Overnight tea” does not cause cancer, but drinking it is not recommended. A cup of tea has been brewed for a long time, but it does not have the aroma and freshness when it was first brewed, but it is still drinkable and will not threaten your health. However, from a hygiene point of view, drinking tea overnight is not recommended.

Experts teach you to choose spring tea

“Gold before the Ming Dynasty, silver after the Ming Dynasty, tea picking stops after the Grain Rain”, many people pursue the spring tea in the early spring market excessively in order to drink the first fresh sip. In fact, spring tea is not necessarily the sooner the better.

Spring tea is delicious, refreshing and fragrant. It can be said to be the tea with the best quality and taste of the year. In addition, there are few pests and diseases during the growth period in spring, so the use of pesticides in spring tea is very small, and the pollution is even smaller.

All kinds of teas are said to be “spring tea”, green tea that pays attention to drinking new tea is the most typical, such as West Lake Longjing, Dongting Biluochun, Huangshan Maofeng, Xinyang Maojian, Taiping Houkui, etc. All are excellent choices.

Be careful when choosing spring tea.

Looking at the shape, the spring tea leaves are generally tightly wrapped, with many hairs, and the color is fresh and fragrant.

Two look at the color of the soup, the color of the spring tea is fresh and moist, the color of the soup is green and clear after brewing, the old tea contains more theabrownin, and the tea soup is yellow-brown after brewing .

Sanpin tea fragrance, no matter what kind of spring tea it is, the taste is more mellow and fresh, and the aroma is strong and lasting.

Four look at the tea base, the new tea tea has a greenish-yellowish, translucent color, and has an obvious fresh and tender feeling.

The best tea set for brewing green tea is a glass cup or a covered bowl. The tea leaves can be covered with a thin layer at the bottom of the tea set. The best temperature for brewing tea is about 90 degrees.

People with bad stomach should drink spring tea with caution, because it contains a lot of unoxidized polyphenols, aldehydes, alcohols, and the caffeine content of spring tea is relatively high , which is more irritating to the stomach. So buy the spring tea, it is best to drink it for half a month. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zhang Jie

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