Eat and soak the fungus for two days, and be admitted to the ICU the next day! Be careful with these →


Zhejiang Hangzhou

Ms. Wang pulled out the black fungus that had been soaked for 2 days in the refrigerator

planned to eat it cold

I boiled it in water before the salad

but 1 hour after eating it

she developed abdominal pain and other symptoms

the next morning

family members After finding something wrong, she was promptly sent to the doctor for treatment

After examination

Ms. Wang’s liver and kidney function deteriorated

needle dialysis treatment

Photo Source Health Hangzhou

According to Health Hangzhou, 1 hour after lunch, Ms. Wang developed nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. After going to the community hospital for infusion treatment, she went home to rest. But in the evening, the symptoms intensified again, vomiting and diarrhea five or six times, abdominal pain was unbearable, and the temperature once rose to 39 degrees.

The next morning, the family found Ms. Wang in a trance and rushed her to the emergency department of Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital. At that time, Ms. Wang’s blood pressure was only 79/56mmHg, her heart rate was 125 beats per minute, her limbs were clammy and cold, her skin and sclera were yellow and stained, and her skin was scattered with piebald.

“The patient is in shock!” The emergency department physicians performed anti-shock, anti-infection, fluid replacement and other treatments immediately while improving the relevant examinations.

After being transferred to the gastroenterology ward, Ms. Wang’s various indicators continued to “alarm”: rapid increase in inflammatory indicators, myocardial damage, obvious abnormal coagulation function, further deterioration of liver and kidney function, and soon anuria. , requiring renal dialysis treatment.

Combining with the characteristics of Ms. Wang’s medical history, the toxic shock caused by the oryzae toxin produced by black fungus was considered, and she was urgently transferred to ICU for intensive monitoring and supportive treatment of various organs. After undergoing anti-shock, anti-infection, blood transfusion, and continuous blood purification treatment at the bedside, Ms. Wang’s infection condition gradually improved, her blood pressure was stable, and her spirit improved significantly. At present, Ms. Wang is out of danger and transferred to the Department of Nephrology to continue specialist treatment and rehabilitation.

Know more

Foam fungus food and eat it anytime

The fungus is rich in nutrients, It has the effect of clearing the lungs, clearing blood vessels and clearing the intestines. According to CCTV, the doctor reminded that the fungus itself has no toxins, but improper foaming methods are easy to breed Pseudomonas cocoa. The biological toxin produced by the bacteria, rice yeast acid, can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after eating. , fever or even death.

Rice yeast acid has the characteristics of high temperature resistance and insoluble in water, and it cannot be removed by high temperature cooking, so even if the soaked fungus is carefully washed and cooked, the toxin cannot be completely removed, even if it is Ingestion of small amounts can also cause poisoning.

Fang Kun, Chief Physician of ICU of Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital, introduced that the fungus-like ingredients can be soaked and eaten as needed. Especially in summer, it is best to add appropriate ice cubes in the refrigerator or cold water for foaming. Low temperature can delay the proliferation of microorganisms. Generally speaking, the fungus can be soaked in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, and the longest should not exceed 4 hours. If it is warm or hot water, the time should be relatively shortened. When the fungus has been soaked for a long time and appears cloudy, sticky and odorous, it must be thrown away decisively.

Source: Beijing Evening News WeChat official account reporter Li Yi

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