Is your immune system strong enough to fight cancer? Is the higher the better? 3 things to do to boost your immunity

We all know that the immune system of the human body can resist the surprise attack of foreign diseases for us. Everyone has their own immune system. The only difference is the degree of immunity.

The immune system can monitor and identify cancerous cells. Once abnormality is found, it will immediately kill or remove it, thereby maintaining good health. As long as the immune system is strong enough, the risk of cells becoming cancerous is reduced, so it is very important to improve the immunity.

Is immunity strong enough to fight cancer?

Immunity can prevent the invasion of pathogenic bacteria from outside, and has anti-cancer and anti-cancer ability to a certain extent. When foreign objects such as bacteria or viruses invade the body, the immune system will play its role, not only producing antibodies, but also attacking viruses and bacteria to protect the body. Take mumps, chickenpox and measles. Once you have this disease, it is not so easy to relapse. This is called the function of the immune system. Therefore, our body’s anti-cancer power and immunity are closely related.

But low immunity or deficiencycan develop into chronic inflammation, which can cause cell mutation over time and promote the development of cancer . When cancer cells proliferate, they will consume calories, resulting in a sharp decline in immunity, and cancer cells will gradually form cancerous masses, which will eventually induce cancer.

If you want to break this process. The most important thing is to improve immunity. A strong immunity not only attacks cancer cells, but also protects and repairs functions.

Is the higher the immunity the better?

Since the immunity can resist the invasion of diseases and cancers for us, does it mean that we will not get sick by blindly improving our immunity?

In fact, the higher the immunity, the better. Destructive power, thereby inducing allergies and increasing the risk of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, etc. If the immunity is too low, it will cause the virus. Bacterial infections and other diseases, so too high or too low immunity is not a good thing for our body.

What are the manifestations of decreased immunity?

If these symptoms appear in the body, it may be that the immunity is weakened. Take measures to improve your immunity and resist the invasion of diseases together!

1, poor sleep quality< /p>

Generally, when the immune system is weakened, the quality of sleep deteriorates, which is manifested as difficulty falling asleep, waking up easily in the middle of the night, waking up early and having nightmares easily. Poor sleep quality can affect the repair of various tissues and cells, resulting in further decline in immunity, thus entering a vicious circle.

2. Anorexia

Protein is involved in the synthesis of immune cells and factors. The lack of protein in the body disrupts the synthesis of immune factors and cells, thereby reducing immunity. Decreased immunity can also affect gastrointestinal function, resulting in poor appetite, weakened digestion and absorption, and easy diarrhea or constipation.

3. Often feel tired

Even if you don’t do heavy physical work, you still feel tired and just want to lie down or sit. Even if you have enough sleep, it can’t be relieved. This is a manifestation of low immunity.

4. The wound is difficult to heal

In general, the wound can heal in a short time Healing, but the wound of the immunocompromised is swollen, easy to shed pus, and the wound heals slowly.

How to improve immunity?

1. Sufficient sleep

Quality sleep is an effective way to improve immunity, which can increase lymphocytes number, enhance the activity of macrophages, and improve the detoxification ability of the liver, so sleep should be actively improved.

2. Adjusting your diet

Protein can improve immunity, so you should focus on eating foods containing High-quality protein foods, such as eggs, dairy, lean meat and fish. Pay attention to nutritional balance and diversification, increase the proportion of coarse grains in the staple food, and eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits.

3. Drink more water

“Drink more hot water” has become a comforting word for everyone when they are sick. But this is not just talk, drinking more water can improve the immunity of the respiratory system, resist the invasion of germs in the air, reduce blood consistency, wash away the dirt in the intestines and urethra, and reduce the risk of disease, < /span>

Message from a Family Doctor

Immune balance is good, so you should improve your immunity through lifestyle. In addition to adequate sleep and adjusting your diet, It is also necessary to increase the amount of activity. Strength training 2-3 times a week, such as planks, sit-ups or squats, can promote muscle formation and prevent metabolic diseases. People with low immunity should be vaccinated to prevent infection. Sexual diseases. At the same time, you should enrich your spare time and learn to reduce stress.

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