Luan Xiaoling, Songzhuang Community Health Service Center, Weizi Street, Changyi City: Three tears of a “big white”

Dazhong Net·Poster News reporter Gao Sengui correspondent Li Guohui Liu Jiayi reported from Weifang

At 7 pm on March 15th, Luan Xiaoling, who had been around for several days, just arrived home. I just received a WeChat message from my husband who is working at Changyi People’s Hospital.

The content of WeChat is a photo of her mother’s CT diagnosis report. She kept zooming in on the picture, staring at her phone and looking at it carefully. A few short lines of words silenced the grass-roots female doctor who usually speaks quickly, and tears flowed unconsciously.

She was very worried about her mother’s body and wanted to take her mother for further examination, but as a “big white”, she had to participate in the nucleic acid test the next day. In front of Xiaojia and everyone, she resolutely chose the latter.

Luan Xiaoling works in Songzhuang Community Health Service Center, Weizi Street, Changyi City. Since last spring, in order to build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control, she and her colleagues have been working day and night on the front line of vaccination.

Recalling the scene at that time, Luan Xiaoling said: “The highest daily dose was more than 2,500 doses. Preparations started at 5:00 in the morning, and the latest was at 11:00 in the evening. I spent it, my arm was stiff, my body was sore… I couldn’t care about anything during that time, I just hoped that everyone could be vaccinated in the fastest and safest way.”

Luan Xiaoling’s father is in poor health. Since the end of 2020, he has been in the hospital on and off for nearly half a year, and has been taken care of by her brother. “I didn’t take two days off until my father passed away in May last year. If I didn’t do my filial piety at the bedside, I felt indebted when I thought about it.” Speaking of this, she choked up again.

“I was a little worried when my mother went to check on me in the morning, but I can’t do two things at work. Today I tested 87 groups with my colleagues, a group of 20 people. After I came back, I quickly asked my husband to take pictures of the test results and send them to me.” Luan Xiaoling said.

“Not only are we busy, but every staff member who is fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control is very busy. Everyone is caring for everyone.” She continued.

Luan Xiaoling’s daughter is less than 3 years old, and since the husband and wife can’t take care of her, she entrusts her aunt who is nearly seventy years old to take care of her. Every morning when she was getting ready to go to work, her daughter would pull on her clothes and say, “Don’t let mom go to work, don’t let mom go to work…”

“The child had a high fever of 39 degrees a few days ago, and it also caused I didn’t care about pneumonia.” Her eyes were wet again.

Not long ago, the “big white” cried three times, and his tears were full of debts to his family. But in her opinion, being busy is her responsibility. Use your busyness to protect the health of the masses, it is worth it!

Luan Xiaoling said that whenever she thinks of a child’s words “Auntie has worked hard” and a bow while doing nucleic acid testing in the village, whenever she thinks of the old man who was pushed by his wife, he was inconvenient. When his hand touched himself, who was squatting and doing the test, to express his gratitude, his exhaustion was swept away, and he became more energetic.