Two positive trees were quarantined? Shanghai old man committed suicide because he could not go out to dispense medicine? Do not spread do not believe!

China Internet Joint Rumor Platform

Inventory of recent epidemic rumors

Remind netizens not to believe rumors and not to spread rumors

At present, the rumors should stop!

I. Two positive trees in Shanghai were quarantined?

Recently, a photo and a chat record have been circulated on the Internet. The photo on the Internet shows that an epidemic prevention worker is stationed in front of a tree, and two trees and a car are separated by an isolation belt.

According to rumors in the chat records, the incident happened near a community in Huangpu District, Shanghai. A user who claimed to be the owner of the community said that after asking “Dabai”, the tree and car should be quarantined for 14 days , The reason for the isolation is that there are confirmed cases exercising under the tree.

Screenshot of network hot chat records

It’s not what the internet chats say

After verification, the photo was taken in the middle of Liyuan Park and Yongye Apartment Phase I in Huangpu District.

The vehicle in the photo has been verified by the relevant departments and is the transport vehicle of an operator of Mengxi Vegetable Farm. The operator chose to live in the vehicle for the convenience of doing business. Because the nucleic acid abnormality was confirmed in the last nucleic acid test, the disease control department carried out isolation and control of the operator as required. In order to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention, the relevant departments also sterilized their vehicles, and sent “Dabai” to guard the vehicles and control vehicles. Check the surrounding environment.

At present, the territorial streets are evaluating with relevant departments and taking corresponding measures according to the evaluation. On the morning of March 26, the killing of the surrounding area was completed, the relevant vehicles were transported away, and the stationed “Dabai” had also left.

Photos provided by residents show that on March 26, the isolation belt (the part circled in red) has been removed, and the “big white” and related vehicles have been evacuated.

Second, the elderly in Shanghai committed suicide because they could not go out to dispense medicine?

On the 26th, a message was posted on the Internet saying that “an elderly man in Shanghai committed suicide by jumping off the building due to the isolation of the community and being unable to go out to dispense medicine”, and attached the story of the elderly man who fell from a building in a community in Minhang District. photos of the scene.

On the 27th, the wife of the old man expressed the hope that the rumors would be clarified as soon as possible. Case. The false remarks on the Internet have caused great distress to the family. I hope everyone will not spread or believe rumors.

The local police said that the person died after falling from the building after rescue efforts failed. After a preliminary investigation, it is in line with the characteristics of high falling, and a criminal case has been ruled out.

3. Is the environmental sample of Zhejiang Zhoushan Sannong Agricultural Products Wholesale Market positive?

On the evening of March 27, some netizens said in the WeChat circle group that the environmental samples of the Zhoushan Sannong Agricultural Products Wholesale Market were positive.

After verification,the above online remarks are false information. The results of sampling and testing by Zhoushan Dinghai District Center for Disease Control and Prevention at 23:00 on March 27 showed that all environmental samples in Zhoushan Sannong Agricultural Products Wholesale Market were negative. Reminder from the Internet Police: Please do not spread rumors or believe rumors in places where the Internet is illegal!

Fourth, is the city of Siping, Jilin, without water for disinfection?

Recently, the news of the city’s water cutoff in Siping City, Jilin Province has been widely spread on the Internet, arousing concern.

After verification by the Siping Municipal Party Committee’s Internet Information Office and China National Nuclear Corporation Siping Water Group Co., Ltd., this news is false news. During the epidemic, CNNC Siping Water Group will make every effort to ensure the safety of urban water supply and will never affect daily life. Please don’t believe rumors, don’t spread rumors, don’t spread rumors!


During the epidemic prevention and control period, fabricated false epidemic information and spread it in public places such as the Internet, or knowingly helped to spread and spread false information, was suspected of violating ” According to the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People’s Republic of China, detention for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days may be imposed, and a fine of not more than 500 yuan may be imposed; if the circumstances are relatively minor, a detention of not more than 5 days or a fine of not more than 500 yuan will be imposed. Those who seriously disrupt social order may be suspected of violating the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, which constitutes the crime of fabricating and intentionally spreading false information.

China Internet United Rumors Platform

I appeal to everyone:

The epidemic prevention information should be subject to the official release

No rumors, no rumors, no rumors

Work together to help prevent and control the epidemic

Source: Internet United Rumors Platform