Allergic rhinitis is here again! Expert reminder: early prevention and standardized treatment

Now is the season of high incidence of allergic rhinitis. Experts remind that early prevention and standardized treatment are effective ways to control allergic rhinitis.

Taking Beijing as an example, early spring pollen is one of the main allergens from March to April, and poplar, willow, cypress, ginkgo and other tree pollen are the main pathogenic allergens from April to May. When the concentration of pollen is too high, patients with allergic diseases must pay attention to protection in advance.

Zhang Luo, Director of Beijing Tongren Hospital:There are two main problems of allergic rhinitis that need attention: one is prevention and the other is treatment. The main step of prevention is to pay attention to the pollen concentration every day, and pay attention to individual protection if the pollen concentration increases.

Allergic diseases affect a large number of people and are inseparable from their complex disease incentives. Common allergens include airborne pollen, dust mites, etc., as well as some environmental factors, animal dander, dry and cold air, food, etc.

Zhang Luo, Director of Beijing Tongren Hospital: In the process of medication, we often encounter patients taking intermittent medication and irregular medication, which is not good for symptom control of allergic rhinitis. We suggest that once you take medication, you should stick to the medication during this cycle of allergies. Generally speaking, it is very safe to take medication for one month to three months.