Can Liver Qi Disturbance Lead to Liver Blood Insufficiency? Traditional Chinese Medicine says: Liver Qi will cause 3 serious problems

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is happy and depressive, so the liver is most prone to qi problems. The imbalance of yin, yang, qi and blood in the liver can affect the production and operation of blood, hinder the digestion and absorption function, and also cause abnormal water and fluid metabolism and emotional depression. Did you know that a lack of liver qi can cause a series of problems, especially a lack of liver blood.

Why does the liver qi not relax and lead to insufficient liver blood?

Insufficient liver blood results in insufficient nourishment of qi and blood on the head and face, and its main features are dull complexion, pale lips, tinnitus and dizziness.

Chinese medicine believes thatthe liver opens to the eyes, and insufficient liver blood will lead to blurred vision and double vision; Chinese medicine believes that Liver governs tendonsInsufficient liver blood cannot nourish tendons, which can easily lead to limb numbness and cramps, pale nails, etc.;Liver blood deficiency Causes menstrual flow and amenorrhea in women.

In this case, you can massage the Taichong point, and the massage force should not be too strong. Until I feel soreness, it can nourish the liver and blood, and at the same time it can help the liver to detoxify; or it can supplement the liver blood through diet therapy, that is, stewed chicken nuggets with angelica and astragalus, which is delicious and nourishing.

What other problems can be caused by liver qi discomfort?

1. Liver-Qi stagnation

Because the liver is in charge of dredging and venting, liver-Qi stagnation can cause the qi machine to not operate properly. The main features are emotional disorders and depression. Long-term lack of conditioning will damage the body’s health and induce hepatitis. And chronic pharyngitis, leading to women with breast hyperplasia, menstrual disorders or dysmenorrhea, and even amenorrhea.

The principle of its conditioning ismove Qi and disperse knot< /span>andsoothe liver and relieve depression, you might as well push the liver meridian every day. Push your left and right feet 50 times until you feel sore all the time; or clench your hands into fists and bend your elbows, squeeze your ribs as much as you can with your elbow joints, and straighten your arms to bend your arms, so that your upper arms are in the shape of a fist for many times. Internal friction will keep the local area hot; you can also drink 2-3 cups of jasmine tea every day, which can have the effect of smoothing the liver and relieving depression.

2. Hyperactivity of liver yang

The main feature of hyperactivity of liver yang is the face Redness of the head, dry throat and bitter mouth, accompanied by dry eyes, tinnitus and dizziness, etc. Hyperactivity of liver yang can consume essence and blood, and its main manifestations are inability to control temper, eye pain, headache and dizziness.

Because the muscles and the body do not get enough blood to nourish the body, the body trembles and severely It can cause mouth and eye skew, unilateral limb paralysis and stroke. The principle of its treatment is to nourish yin and subdue yang. Under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, Schisandra, chrysanthemum and privet, as well as wolfberry, Shouwu and Rehmannia, are used for conditioning.

3. Liver fire inflammation

Liver qi discomfort can develop into liver fire inflammation, The main manifestations are stomach pain and bloating, chest and rib pain and cough, upset and sore mouth, sore eyes and irritability. In this case, you can massage Fengchi, Shenmen and Qimen points until the local numbness occurs; or massage on the upper abdomen and under the flank. At the same time, attention should be paid to diversifying the diet, avoiding overeating, and staying away from spicy and hot foods.

Message from the doctor

It can be seen that the liver qi is not How terrible Shu is, and needs to be actively nursed back to health. Cultivate a broad mind and not be irritable or preoccupied with trivial matters. Maintaining moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and playing ball, not only accelerates the blood circulation of the whole body, but also provides sufficient blood to the liver and helps release bad emotions.

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