How to correctly call “120” during the epidemic lockdown period?

■Our reporter Tang Wenjia

There have been new local new crown cases in Shanghai recently, but people eat whole grains and always get sick. Control area, what should I do? Shanghai “120” suggestion:

1. Emergency and critically ill patients: dial “120”, and at the same time apply to community prevention and control personnel for medical treatment and issue a certificate. “120” will give priority to the calls for emergency and critically ill patients, and emergency doctors will take first aid measures at the scene and transfer them to designated hospitals.

It is recommended that community prevention and control personnel contact “120” and related hospitals, and please take personal protection when visiting a doctor.

2. Patients with suspicious symptoms: Those who have recently developed symptoms of fever, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, and decreased sense of smell (taste), and those who purchased the new crown antigen test reagents and tested positive Personnel should take the initiative to report to the community and community prevention and control personnel, and follow the arrangements for medical treatment by the prevention and control personnel.

Do not conceal your medical treatment in private to avoid the risk of infection.

3. Non-emergency and critically ill patients: patients with mild illness who do not need on-site first aid, please avoid occupying the “120” ambulance resources. It is recommended to apply to the community prevention and control personnel for medical treatment and issue a certificate. Patients should take personal protection, follow the arrangements of prevention and control personnel, and go to the nearest designated medical institution for treatment.

“Shanghai 120” is a friendly reminder, remember the “six words for life”:

1. Don’t panic in case of emergencies.

2. Calmly call for help without concealing it (the caller for help truthfully answers the dispatcher’s question and does not conceal the situation related to the epidemic).

3. The address of the illness is correct (clarify the main symptoms of the patient or the number of injuries and the extent of the injury; the address of the residence or the specific location of the accident, and the obvious nearby landmarks, try to arrange for someone to respond).

4. Cooperate with the flow adjustment to prepare double codes (cooperate with the flow adjustment of dispatchers and emergency personnel, such as the history of travel and residence in the past 14 days, the history of close contact, whether there is fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc. related to the new crown virus infection Symptoms, prepare health code, itinerary code, medical insurance card and items needed for medical treatment).

5. Priority for emergency rescue (according to the patient’s injury and illness, the medical needs of emergency and critical patients are given priority).

6. Cherish resources and keep them safe and healthy (in special times, the originally tense first aid resources need to be cherished by everyone, call 120 as needed; citizens are requested to take precautions, actively cooperate with management and control personnel, and jointly build a harmonious and healthy society).