Women’s dysmenorrhea process exposed! With these 4 phenomena, see a doctor as soon as possible!

Dymenorrhea, not only troubles women, but also troubles men

“It was horrible when she came to Auntie”

“What can I do about dysmenorrhea, just drink more hot water”

The lack of understanding stems from a misunderstanding of my aunt

The story begins with follicles

Women are born with many follicles

They grow up in “Ovarian School”

But only 1 follicle per month graduates

Graduates are called: Ovum[1]

Graduation eggs with dreams

Going through the fallopian tubes to the “castle of the uterus”

And the castle is getting ready for the egg:

Endometrial thickening

A woman needs to release 400-500 mature eggs in her lifetime[2]

They are on their way to the womb

But may face two different fates

Very few eggs

Can meet sperm in fallopian tube

They fall in love and fuse to form a fertilized egg

The fertilized egg will settle in the womb castle

This process is called implantation

While most eggs

Another fate to experience

They did not meet sperm, or failed to fertilize

Only go to the Castle of the Womb alone

After about 14 days, estrogen drops suddenly

Lonely egg followed by thickened endometrium

falls out of the vagina together

Also with bleeding

This is menstruation

Then why do menstrual cramps occur?

near womb castle

There is a group of naughty ghosts in ambush

They are collectively called “prostaglandins”

Actually, prostaglandins are warmhearted

When the egg and the thickened lining of the uterus are shed

In order to make the lining of the uterus drain more completely

Prostaglandins come out to help

Let the uterus continue to squeeze and contract

But at the same time, they can’t help but be naughty


It cuts off the blood and oxygen supply to surrounding tissues

Causes ischemia and hypoxia[3]


Prostaglandins are usually

The number one cause of aunt pain

Do you know this time?

Shampooing and exercising during menstruation will not cause dysmenorrhea

But be careful

Some indulgences in life can still trigger dysmenorrhea

Progesterone will increase before the arrival of the aunt

Prone to edema, headache and other symptoms

Eating too much salt or spicy food at this time

May further exacerbate uterine contractions

Wait for my aunt to come

That “sour and cool” is like excavator construction in the body!

Is there any way to relieve dysmenorrhea?


1. Immediate effect – pain reliever

It can inhibit the production of prostaglandins in the shortest time and solve the problem from the source.

Recommend ibuprofen, safe, effective and reliable!

Be careful not to take “opioid” painkillers, which are addictive.

2. Convenient and hassle-free – hot compress, drinking hot water

Put a warm patch on the belly (be careful not to stick it directly on the skin), a hot water bottle, and a cup of warm water, which can promote vasodilation and blood circulation, and forget about any troubles ~

If the above methods do not work well, try boiling some ginger water-some studies in recent years have found that ginger can really relieve primary dysmenorrhea [4].

3. Pay attention to type – light and regular diet

2 weeks before the onset of menstruation, a low-salt diet is recommended, which can reduce the accumulation of salt and water caused by high-salt foods, and reduce premenstrual edema and headache symptoms.

And during menstruation, studies have found that dieting to lose weight, skipping breakfast, eating irregularly and other habits are more likely to increase the risk of dysmenorrhea [5].

And regular diet, ensure a balanced nutrition, try to eat low-fat food, eat more dairy products containing calcium, avoid high-salt, high-sugar and coffee and other foods, it is possible to relieve dysmenorrhea[ 5][6].

4. Buddhist waiting type – dysmenorrhea will be relieved after pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnant aunt will not visit again for a short time. After the baby arrives, primary dysmenorrhea may be relieved (but not necessarily secondary dysmenorrhea) , so we have to distinguish the situation and look forward to it~

(Note: Primary dysmenorrhea refers to dysmenorrhea without genital lesions; secondary dysmenorrhea refers to dysmenorrhea caused by lesions.)

5. Single dog detours – love from boyfriend/husband

All in all

Dymenorrhea is a common phenomenon

Boys don’t think this is just a girl’s “squeamishness”

Girls don’t have to carry it too hard

Relieve dysmenorrhea, use it now!

Also, seek medical attention immediately if:

1. The dysmenorrhea gradually intensifies and lasts for the entire menstrual period, or each time the dysmenorrhea is more severe than the last time

2. It affects life and work, and even painkillers can’t relieve it

3. In the premenstrual period or during the menstrual period, symptoms such as back pain bu yun, pale face, and persistent vomiting appear

4. Dysmenorrhea accompanied by infertility

(Infertility: The husband and wife have a normal sexual life, do not take contraceptive measures, and have not conceived for more than 1 year, they may be infertile.)

Reviewer: Yuan Bo |Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Second Hospital of Zhengzhou University


[1]Liu Bin, Gao Yingmao. Human Embryology[M]. People’s Medical Publishing House, 1996

[2] Yu Chuanxin, Li Song L. Practical Gynecological Endocrinology [M]. Fudan University Press 2004

[3] Yu Xuewen, Jin Hui, Han Zhen, Li Fen, Wang Fengqin, Zhang Yunjing, Wu Yali. Analysis of the influencing factors of primary dysmenorrhea in girls [J]. Chinese Behavioral Medicine Science, 2003( 03):33-35.

[4]Daily JW, Zhang X, Kim DS, et al. Efficacy of ginger for alleviating the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials[J] . Pain Medicine, 2015, 16(12): 2243-2255.

[5]Bajalan Z, Alimoradi Z, Moafi F. Nutrition as a potential factor of primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review of observational studies[J]. Gynecologic and obstetric investigation, 2019, 84( 3): 209-224.

[6]Najafi N, Khalkhali H, Tabrizi FM, et al. Major dietary patterns in relation to menstrual pain: a nested case control study[J]. BMC women’s health, 2018, 18 (1): 1-7.

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