A 23-year-old boy was constipated for a month and diagnosed with colon cancer! Is constipation a sign of bowel cancer? Watch out for 4 anomalies

Xiao Liu is 23 years old this year. He has been going to school alone and his diet has always been unhealthy, and he often eats takeout with heavy oil and spicy food.

About a month ago, Xiao Liu had a dull pain in his lower abdomen, accompanied by symptoms of decreased bowel movements and poor appetite. He thought it was because he was too angry recently, causing constipation, and he only had a bowel movement every few days. But more than a month later, his constipation has not been relieved and even worsened.

This made him feel that the situation was not right, so he rushed to the hospital for examination. After a series of colonoscopy and other series, Xiao Liu was diagnosed with advanced colorectal cancer. This result made it difficult for him and his family to accept. He just suffered from constipation for a long time. How could it be cancer?

I. Could constipation be a danger signal for bowel cancer?

Constipation refers tothe phenomenon of frequent and strenuous defecation, a feeling of incomplete defecation, dry ball/hard defecation, and less than three defecations per week . According to statistics, the prevalence of chronic constipation among adults in my country is 4-6%, and the rate of constipation increases with age. Older people over the age of 60 have a 22% chance of constipation.

Clinically, many patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer have constipation, which makes many people with constipation “beat”: Are they also “alternatives” for colorectal cancer? crowd”?

As of now,there is no clear evidence of a direct association between bowel cancer and constipation strong>. However, some experts believe that constipation is a high-risk factor for bowel cancer, because carcinogens in excrement stay in the intestine for a long time, thereby increasing the risk.

It should be noted that there are some patients with colorectal cancer clinically, due toThe lesion compresses and blocks the intestinal tract, which affects the normal activity of the intestinal tract, and then causes the patient to have obvious symptoms of constipation.

Of course, not all patients with colon cancer will have constipation, and some patients with colon cancer will have other symptoms. What are the specific symptoms? Look down together.

Second, if these 4 abnormalities appear in the body, you also need to be alert to the report of colorectal cancer

1. Significant changes in bowel habits

None Changes in bowel habits due to a cause, such asincreased, decreased bowel movements, dry bowel movements, diarrhea, etc., which occur suddenly and frequently without cause , it may be colon cancer came to the door.

2, alternating diarrhea and constipation

When there is a tumor in the intestine, especially It is because the lesion is close to the anus, which causes the intestinal stenosis, which can cause the stool to fail to pass in time, which is easy to cause constipation; In addition, in order to speed up the excretion of feces, the intestines will increase the peristalsis speed, which is easy to cause diarrhea. Colon cancer patients often experience alternating symptoms of diarrhea and constipation.

3, blood in stool< /p>

Different from the blood in the stool caused by hemorrhoids, the blood in the stool caused by colon cancer is usually mixed with blood in the stool, color is dark red, will gradually increase with the development of the disease. The blood in the stool caused by hemorrhoids will mostly adhere to the surface of the stool, so we must pay attention to distinguish it.

4. Abdominal pain

Due to the presence of lesions in the intestines, the passage of stool is hindered , which can causeparoxysmal pain in the abdomen, usually in patients with advanced bowel cancer. These patients may have obvious masses when they touch the abdomen.

Constipation is a problem for many people, but most of them are not caused by colon cancer. In daily life, it is actually very simple to relieve ordinary constipation.

Third, keep these 5 strokes away to make bowel movements smooth

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract after entering the body, and has a good preventive effect on constipation.

2. Rehydration

Many people experience constipation due to insufficient water intake , resulting in dry stools that are difficult to pass. Adequate water intake can not only maintain the normal form of stool, but also promote gastrointestinal motility to a certain extent and help prevent constipation.

3. Strengthening exercise

Exercise can speed up the blood circulation of the whole body, and the stomach Intestinal peristalsis will also speed up. Regular exercise can significantly reduce your risk of constipation.

4. Develop a good defecation habit

It is recommended that everyone develop a good habit of regular defecation in life, and can go to the toilet after getting up in the morning After squatting for a while, you can go to the toilet even if you don’t feel the need to defecate. Doing this can make the body develop a good habit of defecation when getting up in the morning. When this time point is reached in the later period, the body will want to defecate conditioned reflexively.

5. Supplementing probiotics

Probiotics have a strong ability to decompose toxins and harmful The ability of the substance to relieve constipation by regulating the intestinal microecological balance. At the same time, it can also promote digestion and absorption, gastrointestinal motility, and laxatives. It can be said that probiotics are the “scavengers” of the intestines.

Constipation and bowel cancer are inextricably linked. People with long-term constipation need to check whether there is a hidden danger of bowel cancer in their bodies in time, and at the same time learn how to relieve them. If the symptoms are serious, seek medical attention in time. Constipation will bring a great burden to the body, so don’t endure it any longer.

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