Will it be wet every spring? Reminder: If you don’t want to be a “fashion person”, be wary of these 3 strange things on your body

When it comes to spring, everyone thinks of a scene of a hundred flowers blooming and grass growing and warblers flying.

But for friends from the south, especially those from Guangdong and Guangxi, when spring comes, it also means returning to the south.

Speaking of returning to Nantian, the friends in the south are really dumb to eat coptis —-I can’t tell the bitterness.

The walls are dripping with water, the glass is running water, the clothes will never dry, and there is an unspeakable smell in the air. At this time, people tend to be listless and lose their appetite, which is called “dampness evil” in traditional Chinese medicine.

When the tide returns, why do people get more moisture?

First, reduce exercise

Exercise is an effective way for us to expel moisture from our body, but the humidity in the resurgence weather is high and the weather changes. Uncertainty makes us reluctant to exercise, or even want to go out, which promotes the constant accumulation of moisture in the body.

Second, there are many indoor gatherings

Due to the high humidity in Huinan, many people choose to close doors and windows to prevent moisture from entering the room.

However, if the door is closed for a long time, the indoor air circulation will be poor, and the negative ions will be less, which will easily breed bacteria, resulting in an increase in respiratory infections.

Third, aggravating complications of other chronic diseases

The humidity in the air is high, and the wet weight of the joints and muscles hinders the circulation of Qi and blood, which will lead to patients prone to joint swelling, aggravation of pain, and the induction or aggravation of existing joint diseases.

In addition, humid air will promote the rapid reproduction of bacteria and viruses, and also increase the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases, resulting in symptoms such as discomfort in the human body.

When these 3 phenomena occur, it may remind you that there is too much moisture in your body

1. Weakness

Heavy humidity will make people feel like they are getting old The body of an old man.

Sometimes I feel dizzy, as if there is a heavy object pressing on my head, I feel tired after a little movement, I want to find a stool or bed to rest, and I am more afraid of cold or cold than ordinary people. Afraid of heat, easy to catch a cold.

2. Indigestion

moisture Weight can seriously affect the normal function of our intestines and stomach, making the operation of the intestines and stomach slow down, causing us to indigestion. Over time, it can also cause white and thick tongue coating, and no matter what you eat, there is no taste in your mouth.

And high humidity can also lead to impaired spleen’s ability to remove moisture, and indigestion can cause our unshaped stools and sticky toilets

strong> situation.

3. Joint pain

body wet If the gas is too heavy and not discharged in time, it will cause moisture to invade the joints of the human body.

The poor circulation of qi and blood in the human body makes the calf sore and heavy, making it difficult to stretch, and joint pain will be felt after a little exercise, and as the moisture in the joint increases, the pain will become more severe. It is unbearable, and in severe cases, it may be difficult to even walk and raise your head.

If your body has the above three situations, you need to pay attention to the moisture in your body .

It is recommended to use conditioning methods to change your bad living habits: eat less cold and cold food, keep your diet light and balanced, or add a little more onion and ginger to your food to reduce the amount of food you eat. cool property;

In addition, you can eat more barley, kapok, yunling, yam, Lentils, lotus seeds, Atractylodes herbs and other ingredients to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness can also be cooked with barley and red bean water instead of tea.

At the same time, exercise more regularly to effectively remove the cold air from the body through perspiration. You can also exercise indoors through fitness equipment; cupping and foot soaking are also good ways to remove moisture, and long-term persistence can be effectiveImprove the situation of heavy moisture in the body.

The elderly should pay more attention if the humidity is too high

Due to the large temperature fluctuations during the return to Nantian, the sudden cold and hot will easily increase the heart capacity of the elderly.

In addition to the invasion of various viruses and bacteria, the immune system of the elderly is weak, and it is easy for these bacteria and viruses to enter while the ground is slippery. Therefore, the elderly are prone to fall during activities. Bone trauma occurs.

Therefore, if there are elderly people at home, family members are advised to pay attention to some subtle symptoms of the elderly, such as palpitations, chest tightness, headache, dizziness, vomiting, etc., and seek medical attention in time.

At the same time, you should also pay attention to anti-skid when you are at home and when you go out. If the home is tiled, it is recommended that the elderly need to replace a pair of anti-skid slippers.