Guangdong added 4 local confirmed cases yesterday

From 0 to 24:00 on March 27, 4 new local confirmed cases were reported in Guangdong Province, 1 in Shenzhen, 1 in Dongguan, and 2 in Zhaoqing. There were 18 new local asymptomatic infections, 6 in Shenzhen, 1 in Foshan, 1 in Shanwei, 3 in Dongguan, 1 in Maoming, 5 in Zhaoqing, and 1 in Qingyuan.

Guangdong Province reported 6 new imported confirmed cases (of which 1 case was an asymptomatic infected person transferred to be confirmed), Guangzhou reported 3 cases, respectively from South Korea, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates; Shenzhen reported 1 case, Zhuhai reported 2 cases, both from Hong Kong, China. 43 new cases of asymptomatic infections were imported from abroad, 12 cases were reported in Guangzhou, 3 cases were from Iraq, 2 cases were from South Korea, 2 cases were from the United Arab Emirates, and the remaining 5 cases were from the United States, Canada, Laos, Tajikistan and Solomon Islands; Shenzhen reported 23 cases, 5 cases were reported in Zhuhai, 2 cases were reported in Zhongshan, and 1 case was reported in Maoming, all from Hong Kong, China. 60 new cases were discharged from hospital, and 858 cases are currently in hospital.

As of 24:00 on March 27, Guangdong Province has reported a total of 12,590 positive cases of new coronary pneumonia (7,933 imported from abroad), including 6,546 confirmed cases (3,718 imported from abroad) and 6,044 asymptomatic infections (imported from abroad). 4215 cases). (CCTV News Client)