Why do 90% of diagnosed patients have mild symptoms? Expert analysis is here

On March 27, a total of 66 people in the three campuses of Quanzhou New Crown Treatment Designated Hospital. The infected person recovered and was discharged from hospital. In one day, 66 infected people were cured and discharged, which brought a touch of warmth to Quanzhou who pressed the “slow travel button” and greatly encouraged the confidence in the fight against the epidemic. The reporter learned that 90% of the local people infected with the current round of the epidemic have mild symptoms, and the cases are relatively less harmful, which further enhances our confidence in defeating the epidemic.

mainly mild, or related to these three reasons

So, why are most of the new coronary pneumonia cases in our city mild cases? Experts from the Quanzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention and Quanzhou Infectious Disease Hospital pointed out that there are at least three reasons:

First, the virus strain in this round of The Rong mutant strain, although it is more transmissible and faster than the original Omicron strain, its characteristics determine that the infected person has no obvious or asymptomatic clinical symptoms.

Second, Quanzhou has a high vaccination rate and enhanced population immunity, effectively preventing severe and fatal cases. Existing studies have demonstrated that the Omicron variant does not completely escape existing vaccines. According to the research that has been carried out at home and abroad, the whole process of vaccination of the new crown vaccine can significantly reduce the risk of pneumonia and severe illness caused by the Omicron variant. In addition, booster immunization and sequential immunization can further reduce the breakthrough infection rate caused by the Omicron variant. That said, existing vaccines are still effective against the Omicron variant. In this round of the epidemic, the patients who received more than two doses of the vaccine were basically asymptomatic and mild.

Third, all the affected areas have carried out nucleic acid testing for all staff. For example, Fengze District has carried out 9 rounds of nucleic acid testing for large populations. It was found during the test, and timely treatment was given when the symptoms were mild, which effectively prevented the development of the disease to severe and critical.

In the new version of the National New Coronary Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program, the criteria for patients to be released from isolation management and to be discharged from the hospital have been relaxed from a negative nucleic acid test to a Ct value of ≥35. Wang Guiqiang, member of the National Immunization Planning Expert Advisory Committee and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Peking University First Hospital, explained: Mild cases are less harmful and do not require special treatment intervention, but they need to be isolated and then observed. Once the disease becomes severe, it can be transferred to a medical institution in time .

Preventable and Curable These controls are still effective!

These practices and measures are still effective in the prevention and control of the new corona virus:

Wear a mask: Wearing a mask is a very effective way to prevent respiratory infectious diseases. It can block the spread of viruses through the respiratory tract. Studies have confirmed that when you are unprotected (without a mask) with a new coronary pneumonia patient, the chance of contracting new coronary pneumonia exceeds 90%; if both you and the patient wear a mask, the chance of being infected drops to 1.5%.

Hand hygiene: Wash your hands properly before and after eating, after using the toilet, when caring for a sick person, and after touching pets. The correct way to wash your hands is to wash your hands with running water, soap or hand sanitizer as much as possible (seven-step handwashing method) for no less than 20 seconds.

Social distancing: In crowded places or confined spaces, the chance of infection increases significantly. As mentioned earlier, even if you wear a mask with a patient with new coronary pneumonia, there is a 1.5% chance of being infected. But if you keep a safe distance of at least 1 meter between you, the chance of infection is almost 0. This is an effective way to block the spread of the virus through close-range, aerosols.

Do personal health monitoring. When there are symptoms of suspected new coronary pneumonia, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath and other symptoms, monitor the body temperature in time and take the initiative to seek medical treatment.

Vaccinations and boosters. Both domestic and foreign data show that vaccination against the new coronavirus is the most effective way to prevent new coronary pneumonia, especially it can effectively reduce severe cases and deaths.

Do early nucleic acid screening. In the face of the spread of the epidemic in many places, especially the Omicron BA.2 variant with stronger transmission ability, high-risk people need to complete nucleic acid screening as soon as possible, early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and reduce family and social level. spread.

Reduce non-essential travel. Try not to travel to high-risk countries or regions, and if necessary, strengthen personal protection during travel to reduce the risk of contracting the Omicron variant.

Source: Quanzhou Evening News