Why is it important for seniors to get vaccinated against the new coronavirus?

Increase the rate of new coronavirus vaccination in the elderly

Accelerating the vaccination rate of the new coronavirus among the elderly, especially the elderly, is good for individuals, families, society, and the country.

Coronavirus vaccination,

Can severe illness and death be prevented?

The new coronavirus is a new virus, and the whole population is susceptible, and among the susceptible population, the most vulnerable are the elderly. Because the immune function of the elderly is weaker than that of the young, and most of them have various underlying diseases, once an infection occurs, the risk of severe illness and death is very high compared to adults and children.

The new coronavirus vaccination has a very good protective effect on preventing severe illness and preventing death. In other words, vaccination against the new coronavirus is effective in reducing the severity and death of the elderly.

Coronavirus vaccination

Is it safe for the elderly?

According to existing data, at present, hundreds of millions of doses of elderly people have been vaccinated against China’s new coronavirus vaccine in the world, and the highest age is 106 years old overseas and 106 years old in China. According to relevant statistics, the incidence of adverse reactions in the elderly who receive the new coronavirus vaccine is slightly lower than that of the young, so the new coronavirus vaccination is safe for the elderly.

The elderly rarely go out and live in remote areas,

Are you vaccinated?

Some elderly people may feel that they are staying at home and rarely go out, or they are in remote rural areas and do not go out to other places, so the risk of infection should be very small.

However, with the prevalence of the Omicron variant, asymptomatic infections are increasing because of its faster spread, greater occult characteristics, and improved vaccination coverage. If the family members of the asymptomatic infected person return home, it will inevitably bring the risk of infection to the elderly. Not long ago, it was also reported that the grandson of an asymptomatic infected person went home to see his 99-year-old grandmother, who was infected with the new crown pneumonia virus.

Since my country has done a good job in epidemic prevention and control, our country’s vaccination strategy is based on high-risk groups and key groups, and finally gradually transitions to the elderly over 60 years old. If we want to build a strong immune barrier, this shortcoming must be filled. Only by increasing the vaccination rate of the elderly can we truly gain the initiative and time for our country’s epidemic prevention and control.

Therefore, for the elderly, especially for the elderly, it is very meaningful and valuable to plant as many as possible, vaccinate the whole process, and boost immunization.

Enjoy a healthy life

The whole family is at ease

Help the elderly get vaccinated

Have you acted!

Text source: official website of the National Health Commission, Healthy China