Liaoning added 9 local confirmed cases and 134 asymptomatic infections

The epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Liaoning from 0:00 to 24:00 on March 23, 2022

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From 0-24:00 on March 23, 9 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were reported in Liaoning Province, of which 1 was reported in Shenyang, 2 in Dalian, 1 in Jinzhou, and 1 in Liaoyang. 2 cases were reported in Tieling City, 1 case was reported in Panjin City, and 1 case was reported in Huludao City; 134 new local asymptomatic infections were reported, including 31 cases in Shenyang City, 37 cases in Dalian City, 1 case in Jinzhou City, Yingkou City reported 64 cases and Huludao City reported 1 case; 1 new case of imported asymptomatic infection was reported from Dalian City. 2 confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia were cured and discharged, 2 confirmed cases of imported new coronary pneumonia, and 64 imported asymptomatic infections.

As of 24:00 on March 23, a total of 1,493 confirmed cases (including 207 imported from abroad) were reported in the province, and 1,019 were cured and discharged. 2 cases died and 472 cases were treated in hospital (455 local cases and 17 imported cases). At present, there are still 1,065 asymptomatic infections (918 domestic cases and 147 imported cases) in designated hospitals for isolation, observation and treatment.

The epidemic situation of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Liaoning from 0:00 to 24:00 on March 23, 2022

From 0 to 24:00 on March 23, 9 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were reported in Liaoning Province, including 1 in Shenyang and 2 in Dalian. , 1 case was reported in Jinzhou City, 1 case was reported in Liaoyang City, 2 cases were reported in Tieling City, 1 case was reported in Panjin City, and 1 case was reported in Huludao City; 134 new cases of local asymptomatic infections were reported, of which 31 cases were reported in Shenyang City, Dalian City City reported 37 cases, Jinzhou City reported 1 case, Yingkou City reported 64 cases, and Huludao City reported 1 case; 1 new case of imported asymptomatic infection was reported from Dalian City. 2 confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia were cured and discharged, 2 confirmed cases of imported new coronary pneumonia, and 64 imported asymptomatic infections.

As of 24:00 on March 23, a total of 1,493 confirmed cases (including 207 imported from abroad) were reported in the province, and 1,019 were cured and discharged. 2 cases died and 472 cases were treated in hospital (455 local cases and 17 imported cases). At present, there are still 1,065 asymptomatic infections (918 domestic cases and 147 imported cases) in designated hospitals for isolation, observation and treatment.

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[Source: Xinhua News Agency Client]

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