The 85-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan once suffered a heart attack. Now he is healthy and healthy, he has 3 health advices

Zhong Nanshan, who once had a heart attack, had high blood pressure for more than 20 years, and is still in good health at the age of 85, can be said to be the best spokesperson for longevity.

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First, life is not determined by aging and disease p>

In the 1960s, Leonard Hayflick, a gerontologist at the University of California, conducted an experiment. Using human epidermal cells as experimental subjects, Hayflick found that human epidermal cells naturally stopped dividing after about 50 divisions. The experiment confirmed that there is an upper limit to cell division in humans, known in the industry as the “Hayflick limit”.

In normal human cells, the telomeres at the ends of chromosomes will continue to shorten with cell division. When the shortening reaches a certain limit, the cell will stop Divided, the human body will also be aging. On this basis, the researchers analyzed and calculated the upper limit of the human cell division cycle and division, and deduced that the limit life expectancy of the human body should be around 120 years old.

Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that many studies have confirmed that people’s natural lifespan is very long, but due to various factors, most people cannot live to the limit of lifespan

strong>. There are five factors that determine human health, each of which has a different proportion. The most influential factor is lifestyle:

①genetics accounts for 15%;

②social environment 10%;

③Medical conditions accounted for 8%;

④Natural environment accounted for 7%;

⑤Lifestyle accounted for 60%< /p>

Lifestyle has a great impact on health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in life may help you get closer to the limit of life. So, how to maintain a good lifestyle? Let’s take a look at the advice of Academician Zhong Nanshan.

Second, exercise is as important as eating

Academician Zhong Nanshan loves sports all his life. At that time, he was very fond of competitive sports and broke the national record in the 400-meter hurdles in the 1959 National Games. When he got older, he rarely participated in competitive sports, but he never gave up sports and insisted on doing some safe sports within his ability. He has publicly stated that “exercise is as important as eating” and exercise is an essential part of his daily life.

WHO states: Inadequate physical activity is the fourth leading global risk factor for death. Long-term lack of physical activity can have a significant negative impact on health, with every hour of sitting for 22 minutes less of life expectancy, and prolonged inactivity can reduce tissue and organ function by 30% ……etc.

Academician Zhong Nanshan recommends that middle-aged and elderly people can do walking, swimming, and Taijiquan in their daily lives. Long-term persistence can help prolong life and prevent disease.

In addition to exercise, there is a strong connection between health and daily diet. Many diseases in modern people are actually caused by “eating”.

Third, if you want to be healthy, don’t eat too much

As for diet, Academician Zhong Nanshan once did Special reminder: “Don’t be too full”, long-term overeating will bring great harm to health.

1. Increase the gastrointestinal burden

Food needs to be digested through the gastrointestinal tract after entering the body, and excessive food intake will cause gastrointestinal burden Excessive weight can easily cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion and abdominal distension. In addition, the gastric epithelial cells in our body have a short life span and need to be repaired once every 2-3 days. The stomach is in a state of fullness for a long time, which will cause the gastric epithelial cells to fail to repair normally, which is easy to cause Stomach disease.

2. Causes physical fatigue

Excessive food intake will slow down the brain and accelerate the rate of brain aging. And after eating, the blood will be concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract for digestion, which will make people feel drowsy and tired.

3. Weight gain

Many modern people consume too much high-fat, high-calorie, and high-sugar foods for a long time, resulting in a large amount of fat in the body Accumulation, which in turn induces body obesity, and obesity is an important cause of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, cancer, etc..

It is recommended to eat every meal every day, but don’t overeat every meal, just in moderation. In addition, if you want to stay healthy, psychological problems should also be paid attention to.

Fourth, half of the disease problems are psychological, keep 4 happy

Academician Zhong Nanshan believes that there is an inseparable connection between health and mental health , maintaining a good mood has positive significance for maintaining physical health. Conversely, prolonged exposure to negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, and panic will lead to adverse stimulation of the cerebral cortex and release a large amount of biologically active substances to the hypothalamus. Thereby promote the secretion of corticosteroids and epinephrine from adrenaline, which will increase hypertension, elevated cholesterol, decreased immune function, obesity, etc.risk.

So, how do we maintain a good mood? Do these 4 fun.

1. Willing to pursue

A study conducted by foreign researchers selected 43,000 subjects aged 40-90. tester. The subjects were divided into three groups. It was found that people with clear goals in life had much lower mortality and suicide rates than people without clear goals and uncertain goals.

In this regard, Academician Zhong Nanshan believes that the reason for this difference is precisely because people who have pursuits have clear goals after opening their eyes every day, and everything in life is for goals And hard work, some unpleasant things around them are difficult to attract their attention. Emotionally, they are also better than the other two groups. And Academician Zhong himself has been chasing his goals all his life. After the goal is achieved, he will change to another goal, and he has never stopped pursuing the “footsteps”.

2. Satisfaction

Although pursuit is very important to people, it does not mean Be hard on yourself. To be content and happy in everything, set goals within the limits of what you can achieve, instead of putting yourself under too much pressure because of your goals.

3. Happy to laugh

Laughter can help the body produce the “happy hormone” dopamine, which has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and immune-boosting effects .

4. Helping others

After helping others, you will feel happy too. Take doctors as an example. Some doctors who have undergone major surgery, although they are very tired, have light in their eyes. This is mostly because the patient was saved, and while helping others, he also made himself happy. If you want to live longer, you need to make changes from some details in your life. It is recommended that everyone seriously implement the suggestions of Academician Zhong Nanshan and stick to it for a long time. I believe that the body will give you positive feedback!


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