Today is World Sleep Day, experts advise you to get a good night’s sleep

Pingbao Financial Media reporter Wang Chunxia

March 21 is World Sleep Day, this year China’s The theme is: “Sleep well, stay healthy.” Young people stay up late to watch dramas and play games; middle-aged people are stressed and unable to sleep due to anxiety and depression; elderly people suffering from Alzheimer’s or post-stroke depression are full of energy at night, and the whole family sleeps with toss. No… When there are more and more phenomena around us, we can’t help but ask: “Are you sleeping well?”

These people need to “reshape” the biological clock

On the morning of the 21st, the Department of Otolaryngology of the Second Municipal Hospital held a free clinic in the outpatient hall of the hospital, received free consultation from patients, and launched a half-price discount on sleep quality monitoring before the end of the month. The hospital’s psychological counseling and insomnia clinics were also full of waiting patients.

A 29-year-old young man, Xiao Chen, works in art design. With the increase of work pressure in the past two years, he often suffers from inexplicable symptoms of palpitation, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. He went to the hospital for various cardiac examinations. Even a cardiac angiogram was done, and still no problems were found. And he became more and more anxious and couldn’t sleep at night. Guo Manhong, director of the psychological counseling and insomnia clinic, told him: “Some people may have said that you have cardiac neurosis, but in fact you are an anxiety disorder and need to receive systematic anti-anxiety treatment.”

Guo Manhong said To be healthy, a person needs to have adequate and good sleep. Adults generally need to sleep seven or eight hours a day, while the elderly sleep less and need five or six hours of sleep. With more and more people suffering from anxiety and depression, more and more people have sleep disorders. If you can’t sleep at night, your mental state will be bad during the day, which will affect your work during the day. If you don’t do well at work, you will be stressed and stressed. You will be even more unable to sleep at night, and your body’s biological clock will be disrupted. Many young people stay up too late, do not sleep at night, and cannot get up during the day, which also causes the disorder of the biological clock and damages human health.

“From 11:00 at night to 3:00 in the morning, it is an important time for the human body to metabolize and detoxify. If you sleep during this time, the blood of the human body can return to the liver, and the liver can play a good role in detoxification. The energy can be strong.” Guo Manhong said that whether it is young people who like to stay up late, middle-aged people with anxiety and depression, or the elderly who can’t sleep, they all need to “reshape” the biological clock.

Guo Manhong said that for young people, as long as they don’t have to stay up late for night shifts, it is best to fall asleep before 11 pm and stick to it for a period of time to “reshape” the biological clock. For patients with anxiety and depression, in addition to receiving systematic anti-anxiety and anti-depressant treatment, they will also take some sleep-improving drugs. Usually, she will ask these patients to lie in bed at 10:30 in the evening, turn off their mobile phones, turn off the lights, and sleep with their eyes closed until they get up at 6 in the morning.

“In the daytime, they are required to be able to walk without standing, to be able to stand without sitting, in addition to taking a one-hour lunch break at noon, and no matter how sleepy they are, they should not lie down on the bed. Shape the biological clock of these patients.” Guo Manhong said that for the elderly who can’t sleep at night, family members can accompany them more during the day, try not to let them sleep during the day, and can do some outdoor activities to consume his energy, so that after a period of time With behavioral training, the patient’s sleep status generally improves.

Guo Manhong suggested that for people with insomnia symptoms, it is necessary to establish good sleep habits, go to bed early and get up early. Don’t think about insomnia when you sleep. The more you worry and fear that you won’t be able to sleep, you are just hinting to yourself that sleep is a natural thing, and there is no need to aggravate its bad psychological cues. In addition, when spring comes, you can do some outdoor exercise in moderation, consume some physical strength and improve sleep quality; you can also get more sun exposure, because sun exposure helps the synthesis of melatonin (a sleep aid), which is a kind of A great way to improve sleep.

Don’t be careless if you snore and hold your breath while sleeping

At the free clinic, 69-year-old old man Chen asked: “I have high blood pressure, so I sleep at night. Old snoring, some people say it’s normal, some people say it’s a disease?” Wu Hongli, deputy director of the Department of Otolaryngology of the Second Municipal Hospital, replied: “Snoring in sleep is not necessarily a disease, it needs a sleep monitoring to confirm the diagnosis.” She began to inquire about Chen’s situation in detail.

Wu Hongli said that if you are prone to snoring after being too tired or drinking too much at night, especially when you sleep in the supine position, this type of snoring is generally not harmful to the body and does not require treatment. However, if you snore for a long time, and often stop breathing and hold your breath during sleep, you need to pay special attention, and you may suffer from sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). Such patients will feel dry mouth, headache, sleepiness and other symptoms when they wake up in the morning, and will gradually experience symptoms such as weight gain, increased nocturia, daytime sleepiness, and decreased attention and memory. It can cause serious harm and may even lead to sudden death at night.

In addition to obese adults, some children also suffer from sleep apnea syndrome due to adenoid hypertrophy. Children suffering from this disease not only harms the heart, but also affects facial and intellectual development. Wu Hongli reminded that if the child not only snores, but also often opens his mouth when sleeping, parents should pay attention and take the child to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

Editor: Wang Yan