Why do more than 300 million people in my country have sleep disorders? Young people stay up late, the elderly are insomnia is the incentive

Source: Shuangyashan Scientific Research Black House

With the rapid development of my country’s economy and technology, sleep problems have gradually entered the public Vision out.

On March 17, 2022, the 3.21 World Sleep Day China theme conference and the launching ceremony of a large-scale science popularization event were held in Beijing, announcing the 2022 World Sleep Day Sleep Day’s Chinese theme – “Good Sleep, Healthy Together”.

At the same time, the “2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper” was released, which was jointly launched by the China Sleep Research Association and other institutions, focusing on the sleep problems of people from different circles , showing the sleep picture of the Chinese people in an all-round and multi-angle manner.

The survey shows that sleep problems are still another daily topic of Chinese people.

According to statistics,more than 300 million people in my country suffer from sleep disorders, more than three-quarters of them fell asleep after 11pm, and more than one-third stayed up until after 1am.

The average sleep time of Chinese people is about 6.92 hours, and the proportion of people with deep sleep is less than one-third. The proportion of insomniac groups is as high as 36.1%, which is higher than the global data of 27% .

Obviously, sleep disorders have become one of the health problems that Chinese people cannot ignore.

The 2022 White Paper on Healthy Sleep in China Reveals Young people stay up late, old people sleep insomnia span> This is a common social phenomenon, which has led to the lack of sleep time for Chinese people.

Seeing the above data, I have to be amazed. The little black house guys are still young and energetic. At the age of 30, they wear the most expensive eye cream. , stay up all night 20 years old.

Since the sleep problem is so prominent, what effect does it have on physical health?

A large number of studies have shown that long-term sleep disorders can have many effects on the body, At light level, it will lead to body fatigue, fatigue, dizziness, headache, etc.; at severe level, it will cause various psychosomatic diseases, such as obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, malignant tumor, bronchial asthma, multiple Sexual ulcers, diabetes and sexual dysfunction (infertility), etc.

In fact, sleep problems are not just what everyone knows. Insufficient sleep, insomnia and other problems have an impact on physical health. Too long sleep is also dangerous. .

Studies show that:sleep duration and risk of death show a “U”-shaped curve.

A meta-analysis published in the European Heart Journal in 2011 pointed out that < span>Insufficient sleep time or too long sleep time are independent risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

A recent academic paper, also in the European Heart Journal, examined the effect of sleep duration on cardiovascular risk .

This study, a cohort study of 400,000 people, investigated the association between sleep duration and 12 cardiovascular diseases based on Mendelian randomization. causality.

Finally found:Sleep time too short (less than 6 hours) is indeed a cause and effect of cardiovascular disease association, but no causal relationship was found for prolonged sleep (more than 9 hours).

You may also find that whenever you stay up late, someone may notice that your mental state has deteriorated, making people look haggard. , is actually “a lot older”.

It is true that sleep problems not only affect cardiovascular disease, but may also promote aging.

“Sleep Health” magazine published an article pointing out that women who gave birth had less than 7 hours of sleep, shorter DNA telomeres, and the epigenetic age determined by DNA ratio Women who gave birth who slept more than 7 hours were 3-7 years older.

That is, lack of sleep causes the body to age by 3-7 years.

Since lack of sleep is so harmful, how much sleep is healthier Woolen cloth?

The sleep time of human beings of different ages is different, as shown in the figure below.

【How to get the best sleep? ]

Firstregular sleep habits

< span>Try to get up and go to bed at the same time every day, including rest days, to help establish a “biological clock”, so that you can go to bed early and get up early.

SecondGet ready for bed

Take a hot bath or a hot foot bath before bed; wear loose pajamas;

< span>The height of the pillow is suitable, the softness and hardness are suitable, and the quilt is suitable thickness;

Turn off the lights, close the doors and windows, and draw the curtains to create a quiet and comfortable sleeping environment.

Third Go to bed when you are drowsy and control the frequency of nocturia

Don’t get drowsy in bed too soon. Avoid eating and drinking a lot of water two hours before going to bed, so as not to wake up frequently.

If you have an overactive bladder, consider medication.

fourth< span>Choose a high-quality and comfortable bed

The mattress will affect the spine, the bed will affect the skin, and a mattress that fits the shoulders and neck Curved, skin-friendly and breathable health pillows that help the body relax can also help us get a good night’s sleep.

FifthControl the lunch break appropriately< /p>

The daily lunch break should be between 15 and 30 minutes.

SixthControlling Electronic Screen Time< /p>

Reduce the time spent playing mobile phones, watching TV, and watching computers, especially before going to bed.

Research shows that playing with electronic products such as mobile phones before going to bed can significantly affect sleep quality and reduce deep sleep time.

SeventhModerate daytime activities< /p>

A moderate amount of physical activity can help shorten the time to fall asleep and deepen the depth of sleep, but do not exercise vigorously two hours before going to bed.

eighthreasonable meals p>

Do not eat any food within 4 hours before going to bed, especially rice, white flour and other foods that raise blood sugar. If you are very hungry, you can choose milk and apples to help sleep;


Caffeinated beverages such as coffee and tea are suitable for drinking in the morning. Try to avoid caffeinated beverages in the afternoon;< /p>

Remember not to drink alcohol before going to bed. Although drinking alcohol seems to make people fall asleep faster, the brain activity does not rest after falling asleep after drinking, and it is even more active than when not sleeping. “Hangover ” is also the reason for this.

NinthPrevention of Psychological Problems p>

Appropriately adjust your emotions and protect your mental health. If you have any psychological problems, you can go to the psychiatric sleep department and take sleep aids as prescribed by the doctor.

That’s all for today’s little knowledge about sleep. If there is something wrong, please criticize and correct it.


1. Ai S, Zhang J, Zhao G, Wang N, Li G, So HC, Liu Y, Chau SW, Chen J, Tan X, Jia F, Tang X, Shi J, Lu L, Wing YK. Causal associations of short and long sleep durations with 12 cardiovascular diseases: linear and nonlinear Mendelian randomization analyses in UK Biobank. Eur Heart J. 2021 Sep 7;42(34):3349-3357.

2. Cappuccio FP, Cooper D, D’elia L, Strazzullo P, Miller MA. Sleep duration predicts cardiovascular outcomes: a systematic review and meta -analysis of prospective studies. Eur Heart J 2011;32:1484–1492.

3. Carroll JE, Ross KM, Horvath S, Okun M, Hobel C, Rentscher KE, Coussons-Read M, Schetter CD. Postpartum sleep loss and accelerated epigenetic aging. Sleep Health. 2021 Jun;7(3):362-367.