Why are good fallopian tubes blocked?

Blocked fallopian tubes are a major cause of infertility for many women, but they are baffled by:

The body doesn’t feel anything, why is the fallopian tube blocked?

Why are some fallopian tubes blocked before they have given birth?

Today, Zhimei will come and talk about the failure of the fallopian tubes.

If the uterus is the palace where the baby is born;

The ovary is the home for the egg;

Then the fallopian tubes are like thin, long, dense passages connected between them, one on each side.

(Source: gfycat.com)

Don’t underestimate this fallopian tube [1], which is only 8~14cm, it can be described as the first tunnel of life.

A woman releases a precious egg from her ovary during ovulation.

The end of the fallopian tube, like a soft little hand, grabs the egg and sends it into the fallopian tube.

The egg is waiting for her “true son” in this passage.

If the timing is coincidental, the sperm enters the uterine cavity after passing through many obstacles, and enters the fallopian tube from the uterine horn, where it combines with the egg to form a lucky fertilized egg.

The fertilized egg travels through the unobstructed fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, and after successfully reaching the uterine cavity, it will find a fertile land to settle in.

A lovely baby is born after October with a mother’s loving care.

A natural conception is only possible if the fallopian tubes are open.

We have two fallopian tubes. If only one side is blocked and the other side is normal, there is still a chance of natural conception.

If both sides are completely blocked, it means that there is no magpie bridge between Zhinu and Cowherd, even if they are immortals, they cannot get pregnant.

(Source: vecteezy.com)

Between the open and blocked fallopian tubes, there is a state called “open but not smooth”, in which pregnancy is like a chance at luck.

If you are lucky, “Cowboy” meets “Weaver Girl” and successfully elopes with her to the womb;

Unfortunately, the two may not meet each other, in which case they cannot get pregnant.

There is also an even worse situation. The “Cowboy” met the “Weaver Girl”, but was discovered by the gods on the way to elope, and they were trapped in the ground as a prison.

It means that the fertilized egg is stuck inside the fallopian tube, then there will be what we worry about as an “ectopic pregnancy”.

Unobstructed fallopian tubes will not only affect pregnancy, but if combined with severe salpingitis, it will cause adhesions, pelvic congestion, acute and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, and pelvic pain.

Generally speaking, our fallopian tubes are unobstructed in their original state unless they are born with dysplasia or dysfunction.

But why some women can easily conceive three or four children until they are 40 years old;

And some women have blocked fallopian tubes before they have had children?

There are two main causes of tubal disease, one is “salpingitis” and the other is “history of tubal pregnancy or surgery”.

tubalThere are two types of inflammation.

One ​​is “salpingitis”. Common bacteria include Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis, which can lead to stenosis or even complete obstruction of the lumen due to inflammation.

Another type of inflammation of the fallopian tubes is “perisalpingitis.”

Mainly, the serosal layer or seromuscular layer of the fallopian tube is damaged, which leads to the adhesion around the fallopian tube, which makes the fallopian tube twisted, folded, and no longer smooth.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the hygiene of the private parts, as well as sexual hygiene, prevention of pathogen infection, and prevention of postpartum infection.

History of tubal pregnancy, also known as “ectopic pregnancy”. There is a fallopian tube with an “ectopic pregnancy”, no matter what kind of treatment is used, there is a possibility of recurrence in the next pregnancy.

History of tubal surgery generally includes, tubal adhesion separation, tubal anastomosis, salpingostomy, etc.

lipiodol imaging, also known as hysterosalpingography, is the most convenient, economical and non-invasive method for examining the uterus and fallopian tubes.


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The doctor slowly injects the lipiodol into the uterine cavity through the catheter. Under the X-ray fluoroscopy, the dynamic observation of the lipiodol gradually expands the uterine cavity, flows into the fallopian tube, and flows into the pelvic cavity through the umbrella end. X-rays.

12 to 24 hours after the operation, take another delayed smear to observe the diffusion of lipiodol in the pelvis, and analyze the morphological characteristics of the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes.

(Source: gfycat.com)

The following three groups of people are suitable:

1. Infertility: a woman who has a normal sexual life and has not been pregnant for a year.

2. Malformation diagnosis: uterine malformations such as bicornuate uterus, septate uterus, etc.

3. Adhesion diagnosis: intrauterine adhesions, cervical adhesions, etc.

If it has been diagnosed that the fallopian tubes are blocked, what is the next step in the treatment? There are several cases here:

1. Both fallopian tubes are blocked

In this case, try endoscopic tubal dredging.

But success varies widely among individuals. If unblocking fails, pregnancy can only be achieved through assisted reproductive technology (also known as “test tube baby”).

2. One side of the fallopian tube is blocked, the other side is open

In this case, if there is no problem with ovulation, the sperm and egg can meet in the open side of the fallopian tube to complete natural conception.

But be wary of ectopic pregnancy.

If there is no movement after regular pregnancy preparation for more than 1 year

Going to the gynecologist to report an arrival

Remind you little fairies

All of the above

Find a regular hospital specialist to complete it


[1] Xie Xing. Obstetrics and Gynecology (9th Edition) [M]. Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House. 2018.

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