Sleep and mental activity are closely related, often snoring alert for sleep apnea

Since when, sleeping well has become a luxury for many people. Before going to bed, I always want to check my mobile phone for a while, and the time to fall asleep is delayed again and again; I wake up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning and can’t fall asleep… Why does it become more and more difficult to sleep well? In the live broadcast of the Beijing News “Talk” on March 21, Zhang Weihua, deputy chief physician of the Department of Psychiatry of Peking University Sixth Hospital pointed out that people should scientifically judge their sleep status, and long-term sleep status is not good, Beware of mental problems. Zhang Xiaolei, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital reminded in the live broadcast that people should be alert to the problem of sleep apnea in these situations.

Watch out for sleep apnea in these situations

Many people mistakenly believe that the louder you snore, the better your sleep. In fact, snoring is not a trivial matter. Snoring is the sound produced by the air that vibrates the soft tissues around the upper airway during inhalation. If the sound of snoring is relatively uniform, the problem may not be particularly serious; if the sound of snoring occurs one after another, apnea occurs during sleep, and symptoms such as drowsiness and drowsiness occur during the day, you should be alert to whether it is sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disease caused by obstruction or stenosis of the upper airway and throat fortresses due to various reasons during sleep. The upper airway is a very important gateway for the body to exchange gas with the outside world. If it is blocked, the body will experience hypoxia, carbon dioxide storage, etc., and the body’s metabolic waste cannot be excreted, which will cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, and mood in the long run. Mood changes, cognitive dysfunction and other serious consequences.

Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are recommended for patients and their partners to see the doctor together, as partners may discover information that the patient cannot perceive or find during sleep. At the same time, the diagnosis of sleep apnea requires the collection of objective sleep monitoring data, including polysomnography in the sleep laboratory, or portable sleep monitoring by taking the instrument home. The data is interpreted by a professional doctor and based on the patient’s underlying disease To provide treatment and management plans for patients.

The manifestations of sleep apnea in children are different from those in adults. Adults often show sleepiness and decreased energy during the day, while children may show hyperactivity. Sleep apnea in children is usually due to abnormal upper airway anatomy, such as adenoid hypertrophy and tonsil hypertrophy. Sleep apnea in children will not only affect attention, brain function development, learning performance, social skills, but also cause adenoid appearance in the long run. When it is found that the child breathes with his mouth open at night, sleeps snoring, and the breathing sound is heavy, parents should take the child to see a doctor in time and intervene as soon as possible.

In addition, there are many sleep monitoring devices on the market, such as watches, wristbands, mattresses, etc., which we call consumer-level sleep health products. These products have certain prompting or screening value for sleep disorders, but the diagnosis of sleep disorders cannot be made based on these products alone. Because the applicable scenarios and individual basic conditions are different, the specificity and accuracy of the diagnosis of these products are uncertain, and excessive attention to the data provided by these sleep health products may cause unnecessary anxiety. However, when these products prompt problems and you find that you have some symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for a diagnosis by a professional doctor.

Sleep and mental activity are closely related

“The regulation center of sleep is the brain, and people’s mental activity center is also the brain, so sleep and mental activity are closely related From a clinical point of view, insomnia has the highest correlation with various mental diseases.” Zhang Weihua introduced that in the recently promulgated International Classification of Diseases, sleep disorders are independently listed as one, but its diagnosis and treatment process cannot be separated from the psychiatric department. Technology, because insomnia patients, especially long-term chronic insomnia patients, basically have emotional problems, which require psychiatric methods for diagnosis and treatment.

The basic standard of good sleep has a relatively stable pattern, with a relatively fixed sleep time (including the time to fall asleep and time to wake up), and the time error is preferably within 1 hour; feel relaxed after waking up , The relaxed and lazy state lasts for about 10 minutes, and you can return to the energetic state of daily work; keep your spirits full and active during the day, you may feel sleepy at noon, but if there is no nap condition, you will continue to work if you feel tired and sleepy. The status will then disappear.

Life is not static. People always have to stay up late. Does going to bed late affect the quality of sleep? Can sleep during the day make up for sleep? Zhang Weihua believes that occasionally going to bed late has little effect on sleep quality, and the situation of making up sleep during the day should be determined according to your own situation. It is recommended that after waking up during the day, if you cannot enter deep sleep again, you should not make up for sleep again, and you can start daytime activities. .

“Everyone’s sleep state is different, but in the following situations, you should seek medical help in time and seek professional help.” Zhang Weihua reminded.

Undesirable changes in sleep, such as not getting enough sleep time, waking easily, difficulty falling asleep, having sleep apnea syndrome, and being drowsy but not waking up feeling relaxed.

After sleep, there were obvious changes in thinking ability, emotional state, appetite, energy and physical strength.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Zhaohui Liu Xu

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This article is the original content of Fun Health (ID: xjbjiangkang)

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