Often insomnia and waking up early, what is the problem? Teach you 2 ways to sleep soundly

As a contemporary young person

In addition to working hard during the day

at night To endure the pain of insomnia

There are thousands of reasons for insomnia

the most painful of which isAnxiety Insomnia

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China Sleep Research Report (2022)” shows that

57.41% of the respondents had 1 to 7 days of insomnia in the past month

2.96% of respondents insomnia most of the time

In recent years, the problem of insomnia has risen to the younger generation

“2022 Chinese National Health Sleep White Paper shows

44% of 19-25 year olds stay up until after midnight

< span>19~35 years old is the age group with high incidence of sleep problems

Science program producer Dan kwartler

on TED’s “What Causes Insomnia” span>

The causes of anxiety insomnia have been mentioned

When sleep time is up

This type of insomniacfeel the stress build up

so that the stress response system controls the brain

This fills the body with cortisol,

< p>Corticotropin and other hormones

cause the heart rate and blood pressure to increase

make the body Hypervigilance

in this case Next

The brain searches for possible threats

Even a little wind blows you can’t ignore it

In addition, adrenocortical hormone

also It will speed up the body’s metabolism

Even if I fall asleep later

the body is still working overtime p>

Only low-quality sleep

Two days

because I didn’t sleep well the day before

not working and studying

Insufficient vitality support

resulting in anxiety

began insomnia the next night

Lack of sleep for a long time can also increase anxiety levels

Put in an infinite vicious circle Medium


Common insomnia develops into anxiety insomnia p>

According to clinical data

anxiety Insomnia has become

the most common type of insomnia in modern times

If you also have the following symptoms, you should pay attention

In this case

The main thing is:

I guess my friends may want to say

University of Oxford research shows

“Counting sheep to sleep” doesn’t work

Counting numbers may strain the brain

thereby increasing anxiety

Maybe the friends have to ask again

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The American Academy of Sleep Medicine Treatment Guidelines clearly states

< span>Uncle Jiu searched for someInsomnia First Aid

It can help relieve tension, calm anxiety and fall asleep as soon as possible< /span>

Get up Mark!

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Actually, as long as we usually do the following points

will help get rid of insomnia as soon as possible



[1]Dan kwartler.what causes insomnia? .TED Science Popularization, 2018.6.14,

[2] Wu Yuqiu and Liu Ying. A brief analysis of the experience of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treating anxiety insomnia [J]. Bright Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2019 No. 6 943-945 Doi: 10.3969 / j.issn.1003-8914.2019.06.053