Does brushing your phone before bed affect your sleep? World Sleep Day, experts have something to say

Modern Express (correspondent Liu Yi Jianghang reporter Liu Jun) March 21 is the 15th World Sleep Day. This year’s theme is “Sleep Well, Work Well”. Sleep is an important physiological requirement of human beings. Good sleep can ensure the recovery of mental and physical strength. Low-quality sleep seriously affects work and quality of life and endangers personal safety. However, surveys show that more than 300 million people in my country currently have sleep disorders, of which more than 3/4 of them fall asleep after 11:00 pm, and nearly 1/3 of them can’t fall asleep until after 1:00 am. Especially due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, people are spending more time at home, but the overall time to fall asleep is delayed by 2 to 3 hours, and the search volume for sleep problems has increased by 43%. Lying in bed to scan the phone, the more you scan, the worse you sleep?

This year’s 31-year-old Xiao Wang works in a foreign company. He is usually very busy. In his own words, “I don’t even have time to drink water.” , want to relieve the pressure. But here comes the problem. Sometimes, when I watch a TV show I like, I get more excited. Often I still don’t fall asleep at 2 or 3 in the morning, and I can’t get up the next day. When I get up to work, I yawn and feel listless. .

Chief Physician Li Yong, Director of the Clinical Psychology Department of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital, said that insomnia is no longer the patent of middle-aged and elderly people, and more and more young people have insomnia problems. And many young people’s insomnia is closely related to their liking to play mobile phones before going to bed. Li Yong said that in the outpatient clinic, he has received many consultations from young people about such issues. Occasionally this situation is okay, and it is a bad conditioned reflex for a long time. “Playing mobile phones for more than 1 hour before going to bed will affect the secretion of melatonin in the human body, which will directly affect the quality of sleep. Poor sleep quality will lead to insomnia. Long-term lack of sleep will not only reduce the body’s immunity, but also lead to lack of energy during the day and high blood pressure. Wait for health problems.” In this regard, Li Yong suggested that if you want to adjust such bad living habits, you must set yourself a long-term and gradual adjustment plan. From now on, set a time for yourself to put down your phone at 11:30 and go to bed. After a week of getting used to it, you can adjust it forward for another half an hour, and try to fall asleep at 11:00. Slowly adjust and adapt, and gradually change bad habits. Snoring all night, but didn’t sleep well?

Snoring in sleep is a common phenomenon in daily life. Many people think that snoring means “sleeping soundly”, but it is not. Many cerebral hemorrhages, cerebral infarctions, and myocardial infarctions occur in the second half of the night, and some of them are due to repeated occurrence of sleep apnea, causing violent fluctuations in blood pressure and leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Therefore, snoring is also a disease, and snoring is indeed fatal.

The reporter learned from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital that a 36-year-old patient with obstructive sleep apnea came to the hospital for treatment. The patient snored as soon as he fell asleep, and the sound was quite loud. There are also suffocation pauses, which burst out suddenly after half a minute to a minute, like thunder overnight, very loud; get up at night to urinate a lot, and have to go to the toilet two or three times every night; dry mouth in the morning, sometimes headache, drowsy Yes; often feel sleepy during the day, and sometimes fall asleep while reading, watching TV, sitting in a car, or even driving.

Ding Ning, deputy chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, performed polysomnography on the patient. The results showed that the patient stopped breathing more than 400 times a night, with an average of more than 50 apnea per hour. The minimum oxygen saturation during apnea is only 60%, which belongs to severe obstructive sleep apnea. The main principle of occurrence is that the upper airway collapses during sleep or the base of the tongue falls back causing intermittent obstruction of the airway, which leads to repeated respiratory arrest. “Polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnea,” said Ding Ning, obstructive sleep apnea not only affects sleep quality, but also causes damage to multiple organs in the body, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular damage, kidney damage, high blood pressure Blood pressure, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, diabetes, etc.

Is there no cure for this disease? Ding Ning said that in fact, there are still many treatment methods, and patients should choose the treatment method that suits them under the guidance of doctors. Generally speaking, strengthening exercise and proper weight loss; avoiding alcohol and sleeping pills before going to bed; quitting smoking to reduce respiratory irritation; In addition, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, also known as home ventilator therapy, is the preferred treatment option recommended by the guidelines. “When the patient is sleeping, the ventilator will provide a continuous positive pressure to the airway, which can make the blocked airway open, and breathing will not stop. For mild patients, you can use a mouth appliance, that is, a dental tray, which can The mandible is moved forward and the upper airway is opened, but the dental tray is less effective for moderate and severe patients.” Ding Ning told reporters that after a month of treatment with a home ventilator, the previous patient stopped snoring at night and couldn’t afford it. It was night, and the next day the patient had no dry mouth, no headache, and no sleepiness. And the blood pressure that has been poorly controlled by medication has also dropped to normal.

Sleep problems will cause double harm to people’s mind and body, and it is a veritable potential killer of human health. Although sleep problems have such a wide range of serious harm to the human body, many people are still not aware of the problem. Here, experts call on the public to pay attention to sleep, so as to obtain a higher quality and healthier life.