The oral questions you want to know, the answers are here!

March 20 is World Oral Health Day. How is your mouth? Do you really understand some misunderstandings about oral problems? Yesterday, Huang Jinhua, chief physician of the Department of Stomatology of the Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University, answered one by one.

Correspondent Fuxuan Reporter Lu Kangjie

Can I see my teeth while pregnant?

Wrong! 4-6 months pregnant can see a doctor

Recently, Xiao Chen’s wisdom teeth, 5 months pregnant, became inflamed, and the pain was unbearable, because she always thought that she could not see her teeth during pregnancy. is this real?

Pregnancy is a special period for women, such as oral problems, will affect eating and rest, and will also have a certain impact on the health of the baby. Therefore, oral health care during pregnancy should be paid great attention.

Huang Jinhua introduced that women should take pre-pregnancy prevention for oral problems in the early stage of pregnancy. Before preparing for pregnancy, oral examinations can be carried out in advance, and early treatment of dental diseases, such as dental caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease, etc. , to prevent tooth pain, inflammation, swelling and other adverse conditions during pregnancy.

Can I see a doctor if I have oral problems during pregnancy? Huang Jinhua introduced that 4-6 months of pregnancy is the best time to see a doctor. At 1-3 months, only emergencies should be handled, and X-rays should be avoided to prevent X-rays from affecting fetal development; while at 7-9 months, oral treatment should be avoided as much as possible to prevent premature birth of children.

What should children do if they eat sweets and get tooth decay?

Eat some fibrous foods

Most children love sweets, which are high in sugar and sticky. In addition, children’s poor self-cleaning ability makes dental caries easy to occur.

How to prevent dental caries in children?

Huang Jinhua introduced that parents can encourage their children to eat more fibrous foods, which is not only conducive to the self-cleaning of teeth, but also promotes the growth of the oral and maxillofacial surfaces, so that the teeth are arranged neatly and beautifully. And giving your child good brushing habits is also an important factor in preventing dental caries. Finally, it is recommended that parents take their children for regular oral examinations, at least once a year.

Can I not have a tooth filled?

Affects the entire oral system

It is often said that “a tooth is missing” or “a tooth is missing”. Dental implants are more expensive, and some people think about forbearance, is this okay?

Huang Jinhua introduced that these not only have an impact on diet, but also have an impact on the social and psychological aspects of life, which reduces the quality of life. Long-term missing teeth in the oral cavity will cause the opposite teeth to elongate and the adjacent teeth to tilt towards the gap between the missing teeth, which in turn leads to food impaction, causing dental caries and calculus accumulation.

Tooth displacement can also cause dislocation of the occlusal relationship, which in turn affects the entire oral and jaw system. There are even some residual roots and residual crowns, because of their sharp cusps, they can stimulate the oral mucosa to a certain extent, which may eventually lead to the occurrence of cancer.

He suggested that we must pay attention to the missing teeth in the mouth and repair them in time. Common restoration methods include implant restoration, fixed denture restoration, and complete denture restoration. According to different oral conditions, different methods are selected.

Painless lump on the face

Can it be left alone?

No, it may be early stage of tumor

Many people find that there is something growing on their face, and they don’t care at first, but when the lump has some accompanying symptoms, such as pain, redness, and even affects their daily life, they feel that they should go to the hospital for a visit.

However, are asymptomatic bumps, “simples that don’t hurt or itch” really not a problem? Director Huang reminded that we should be more vigilant about this, especially the painless mass in the maxillofacial region. Clinically, it is only manifested as a face and neck mass without other symptoms, especially in the early stage of tumor discovery.

Such as malignant lymphoma and various metastatic cancers (such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma, cervical lymph node metastasis of oral cancer) occurring in the maxillofacial and cervical lymph nodes, as well as benign and malignant tumors, hemangiomas of the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands There are no clinical symptoms such as pain, redness and swelling of the skin.

At this time, patients often choose to ignore because they have no other symptoms, thus delaying treatment. In particular, some malignant tumors have lost the opportunity of early diagnosis and treatment, and only go to the doctor when the disease develops further, which is often in the advanced stage, and it is difficult to obtain satisfactory treatment results.

(Yangzhou Daily-Yangzhou Net)