World Sleep Day: It’s not that you don’t want to sleep, it’s that you can’t sleep? Do 4 things to help you sleep soundly

March 21 every year is World Sleep Day.

According to the latest “China Sleep Research Report (2022)” data:

In the past 10 years, Chinese people fall asleep more than two hours later, The length of sleep has also been reduced from 8.5 hours in 2012 to 7.06 hours in 2021, and only 35% of Chinese people get enough sleep for 8 hours.

It’s not that I don’t want to sleep, it’s that I can’t sleep at all p>

Data show that in 2021, more than 300 million Chinese people will have sleep disorders, and the incidence of insomnia in adults is as high as 38.2%.

Some people say: Insomnia is because you are working hard in other people’s dreams.

Insomnia seems to be an epidemic forever. People around you are more or less insomnia, or you can’t sleep after waking up in the middle of the night.

Friends who are deeply troubled by insomnia, the reasons behind it are as numerous as sleeping pill brands, anxiety, depression, sleep apnea, work stress, chronic diseases….. ..

You can’t sleep, is it really insomnia?

In fact, there are two types of insomnia—-

First, lack of sleep time

Difficulty falling asleep, even after lying on the bed for more than 30 minutes, still unable to fall asleep; or it is always easy to wake up after falling asleep, and the time to wake up each time is more than 5 minutes, which eventually leads to the sleep time being less than the ideal time.

However, there is no special definition for the so-called ideal time, mainly whether you wake up refreshed and full of energy at the standard time…

Second, poor sleep quality

Even if you sleep for 8 hours, but wake up When I come here, I always feel tired, dizzy, and have little energy, which leads to inability to concentrate during work and study, and full of negative emotions.

If you meet one of these two criteria, maybe your inability to fall asleep falls into the category of insomnia.

I can’t sleep, what should I do?

The people who slept well were almost the same, but the people who slept poorly had different reasons.

But in general, insomnia is mainly caused by the inability of the body’s nervous system to maintain a normal circadian rhythm, and there are many reasons behind it – such as light, anxiety and stress, long hours of work, Drugs or beverages, sleep environment…….

Therefore, in order to relieve insomnia, we also need to follow —–“The bell must be tied to the bell”.

In most of the four-sided rings, the main reason is Irregular work, lifestyle, and unhealthy.

Therefore, we need to improve from these aspects:

< strong>First, fall asleep in time and avoid staying up late

Long-term mental work can easily lead to overloading of the body. In this case, if you often stay up late to sleep and cannot rest on time , It is easy to cause insomnia and lead to excessive physical fatigue.

If you want to have high-quality sleep, the first thing to do is to actively develop a good habit of going to bed on time.

Under normal circumstances, it is recommended that you fall asleep between 10:00 and 11:00 pm, which can ensure the length of sleep at night, which is very helpful for improving sleep quality.

Second, do not exercise vigorously before bed

< p>If you do a lot of strenuous activities before going to bed, it is likely to cause excessive excitement and easily aggravate the troubles of insomnia.

In order to fall asleep smoothly, you should try to keep your physical and emotional state as stable as possible before going to bed. Don’t think that physical fatigue caused by intense exercise can speed up falling asleep. This approach is very irrational.

If you want to do physical exercise at night, you should arrange the exercise time 2 hours before falling asleep, and the exercise intensity should not be too high.

Third, avoid excessive stimulation before going to bed

If you have trouble with insomnia, you may wish to develop a daily routine. It is a good habit to soak your feet in hot water before going to bed at night, and keep it between 15 and 25 minutes to make your body feel relaxed and comfortable.

Or avoid consuming alcohol or caffeinated drinks after 3 pm , avoid being too full when falling asleep, and fall asleep at least 2-3 hours after dinner.

At the same time, it is recommended to have a strong connection between the bedroom and sleep, and try not to play mobile phones or watch TV on the bed, and when you feel the body is obvious Go to bed when sleepy.

Fourth, help a doctor< /p>

Some insomnia patients may be unable to fall asleep due to some chronic diseases, mental diseases and other reasons.

If this is the case, it is best not to stand alone and talk to a doctor in time. Let’s chat, ask for professional treatment methods to help you get a good night’s sleep.

But then again, let’s sleep when it’s time for us, don’t always be reluctant to sleep.

If If you don’t sleep while you’re alive, when will you sleep?