Does “white noise” really hypnotize? The doctor reminds the method is wrong, it is better not to listen

The man had insomnia for many days and listened to white noise to help him sleep according to the experience of netizens. After a few days, the quality of sleep has not improved, and tinnitus has appeared. The doctor of Harbin Fifth Hospital reminded that listening to white noise to help sleep must pay attention to the methods and methods, it is better not to listen if the method is wrong.

Mr. Li has been working with dark circles under his eyes recently, and his colleagues asked him if he stayed up late to play games again. Mr. Li said that he had fallen asleep at 4 or 5 in the morning for 6 or 7 consecutive days, and he would collapse if this continued. A colleague said that there is a white noise sleep aid on the Internet, so he can give it a try. So, Mr. Li studied white noise for sleep aids on the Internet. He found that the so-called “white noise” refers to some ambient sounds such as the sound of rain, the sound of ocean waves, and many other different sounds. When it was time to go to sleep, Mr. Li played white noise on his mobile phone. Because he was afraid that it would affect his wife’s sleep, he did not turn on the sound very loudly, so he put the mobile phone close to his ear. I don’t know if it was a psychological effect or if it really had an effect. He really went to bed earlier than before that night, so he fell asleep with white noise every day. However, after a few days, Mr. Li felt that tinnitus appeared in his ears from time to time, and it lasted longer and longer. He didn’t know what went wrong, so he came to the ENT department of Harbin Fifth Hospital for treatment. The receiving doctor Meng Xianying examined Mr. Li and diagnosed Mr. Li as having sudden deafness.

Dr. Meng Xianying said that white noise is mainly through constant energy frequency, which can relieve nervous and anxious nerves, and divert attention through association to achieve relaxation. Another effect of white noise is that it can cover other noises, such as footsteps upstairs, etc., which can provide a relatively quiet environment and retain only the natural sound. But like Mr. Li, it’s a bit of a loss, because playing it close to the ear for a long time, even the sound of sleep aid will hurt the ear.

Meng Xianying, an otolaryngologist at the Fifth Hospital of Harbin, reminded that the volume must be controlled whether it is for sleep aid or daily listening to music, and the duration should not exceed 60 minutes. In the event of discomfort must be treated in time, do not self-diagnosis.

Special correspondent | Gao Junzhen Zhou Zhihan

Our reporter | Yuetong

Source: Heilongjiang Traffic Broadcasting