China Democratic League Yantai “Tongxin·Health Service Base” set out for epidemic prevention and control

The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. In March 2022, in the face of the severe and complicated epidemic situation in Yantai, the Yantai Municipal Committee of the Democratic League gave full play to the role of the “Concentric Health Service Base” of the Democratic League – Yantai Chengyou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and immediately assembled medical staff to form a nucleic acid sampling medical treatment. The team rushed to the sampling point in the jurisdiction to participate in the front-line prevention and control work. As of March 14, Yantai Chengyou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has dispatched 82 medical staff to support nucleic acid sampling in various districts. Among them, Zhifu District sent a total of 61 people, involving 15 points; the Development Zone Heritage District sent 21 people, involving 8 points.

In order to give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, embody the idea of ​​”preventive treatment” of traditional Chinese medicine, and inherit the traditional Chinese medicine hospital to take the initiative to undertake the traditional Chinese medicine for some isolated points in the development zone Prepare decoction work, continue to provide preventive intervention traditional Chinese medicine decoction for close contacts and sub-close contacts in centralized isolation, and add another protective barrier for the development zone to prevent the new crown pneumonia epidemic. As of March 14, the staff had been decocting for 23 hours without interruption, and the cumulative amount of decoction had reached 800.

In this 82-person nucleic acid sampling team, many of them are medical staff who have just left the night shift or are on consecutive shifts. They should have gone home from get off work to rest. After receiving the notice from the hospital, everyone joined the sampling team without hesitation.

Zhang Minjing, member of the Standing Committee of the China Democratic League Yantai Municipal Committee, chairman of the grassroots committee of Zhifu District, and director of Yantai Chengyou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said: “In the epidemic, stick to the original intention, It is the responsibility and obligation of a member of the CDL to undertake the mission in prevention and control. In the face of this epidemic, I have seen the fearless spirit of a medical worker who is not afraid of hardships and faces difficulties. I believe that under the leadership of government departments at all levels in Yantai and the united efforts of the Yantai people, we will definitely win the final victory. May the mountains and rivers be safe, Cathay Pacific and people’s safety!”

Relying on the “Tongxin·Health Service Base” of the CDL, more alliance members have joined the nucleic acid sampling medical team and rushed to the front line. The city’s alliance members worked together to overcome the difficulties and contributed to the NLD’s efforts to curb the spread of the epidemic and ensure the health and safety of the people.