Sleep less than 6 hours a day, beware of hypertensive pulmonary embolism, sleep disorders can cause diabetes Alzheimer’s disease

Weather Network News, good sleep will be of great benefit to human health, on the contrary, the harm is very great. According to a survey, 54% of the respondents did not get enough sleep for 7 hours, and nearly 3/4 of them had trouble sleeping. According to experts, sleep less than 6 hours a day beware of hypertension and pulmonary embolism. In addition, sleep disorders can lead to diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Let’s find out together.

Less than 6 hours of sleep a day beware of hypertensive pulmonary embolism

Less than 6 hours of sleep a day is harmful

Today is World Sleep Day, research has shown that blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rhythm rhythm Sexual changes are maintained by sleep. Sleeping less than 6 hours per day is a potential risk factor for hypertension, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolism and chronic ischemic heart disease. In addition, sleep disorders can lead to diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and easily induce mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Possible physical problems due to lack of sleep:

1. Grumpy: When people are focused on doing something, if they are distracted by accident If you are interrupted, you will have negative emotions; if you don’t get enough sleep, this negative emotion will be amplified.

2. Headache: Scientists have not yet been able to find out the reason behind it, but 36 to 58% of people who lack sleep experience headaches when they wake up.

3. Decreased learning ability: Short-term memory is an important key to determine the learning effect. People with insufficient sleep will have a weakened short-term memory ability, which also affects the learning effect.

4. Weight gain: People with insufficient sleep will have an imbalance of hormones in their bodies, which will not only increase their appetite, but also want to eat high-calorie foods and reduce their ability to control impulsive behavior. The sum of these factors is Together, it leads to rapid weight gain.

5. Poor vision: The less time you sleep, the easier it is to have visual errors and even hallucinations.

6. Heart disease: According to research, people who sleep only 4 hours a day have much higher blood pressure than those who sleep more than 8 hours, so they are more prone to heart disease.

7. Slow response: lack of sleep will also make your response to external things slow.

Hazards of lack of sleep

8. Susceptible to diseases: not getting enough sleep for a long time, the physical Immunity will be weakened and you will get sick easily.

9. Investment mistakes: According to research, sleep-deprived people make high-risk investment decisions that lead to financial losses.

10. Plenty of urine: When people fall asleep, the body will slow down the production of urine; but if you don’t get enough sleep at night, you will have the problem of “excessive nighttime urination” and you have to go to the toilet frequently .

11. Inattention: If you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t concentrate and get distracted easily.

12. Weakened effectiveness of vaccines: As mentioned earlier, lack of sleep will lead to reduced immunity of the body, so if the vaccine is injected at this time, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

13. Slurred speech: According to research, if you don’t sleep for 36 hours, you tend to use the same words repeatedly, slow, slurred, and sometimes like a drunk person. look.

14. Cold upper body: If you catch a cold every now and then, it may be due to lack of sleep. Studies have shown that people who sleep less than seven hours a day for two consecutive weeks are three times more likely to catch a cold than those who sleep more than eight hours.

15. Gastrointestinal problems: lack of sleep can easily lead to inflammatory bowel syndrome.

16. High risk of car accident: In fact, driving a car with a lack of sleep is as dangerous as drinking and driving, but it is often overlooked.

17. Decreased libido: Lack of sleep will reduce the secretion of testosterone in the body, resulting in decreased libido.

18. Reduced pain tolerance: Studies have shown that if you don’t get enough sleep at night, the human body’s sensitivity to pain will increase, while the pain tolerance will decrease.

19. Increased risk of diabetes: Insufficient sleep can affect the body’s metabolic function, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.

lack of sleep is harmful

20. Doing things are full of mistakes: lack of adequate sleep leads to mental illness Not bad, it will also increase the error rate of the work.

21. High risk of cancer: The current research on the association between sleep and cancer is still in its early stages, but based on the current results, lack of sleep does increase the risk of cancer, especially Colorectal and breast cancer.

22. Easy to forget: The less you sleep, the easier it is to forget, and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease increases in old age.

23. Gene interference: The latest research in 2013 showed that lack of sleep can interfere with the normal activities of genes. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day for a week, there will be abnormal activities of more than 700 genes, including Genes related to immunity and stress.

24. Depressed mood: Scientists’ clinical research shows that people with good sleep quality at night have a more positive mood; if the sleep quality is not good, it will also affect the work mood the next day.

25. High risk of death: People with long-term lack of sleep have the greatest risk of significantly increasing the risk of death in a short period of time.

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