Did you sleep well on International Sleep Day? The survey shows that the post-95s and post-00s are the “big sleepers”

Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Chen Zeyun

March 21 is World Sleep Day. Tmall Health, Snail Sleep, and Ali Health Research Institute launched the “Research Report on Young People Not Sleeping Well” (below referred to as the “Report”). The report shows that young people born in the 95s and 00s prefer to stay up late, and most of them take the initiative to stay up late. At present, melatonin and other sleep aid products are selling well on the Internet, but experts remind that developing good sleep habits is the most important.

After 00, they prefer to “actively stay up late”

The data of the “Report” shows that among the surveyed population, 64% of the population weekly Stay up late at least 3 times; nearly 40% of the post-00s and post-95s stay up late every day; half of the post-80s and post-90s stay up late at least 3 times a week; half of the post-70s never stay up late.

Compared with the post-70s and post-80s who like to fall asleep at 10-12 o’clock, the young people born in the 90s and 00s prefer to stay up late and fall asleep more often after 0 o’clock. During the day, because of work and study, I want to enjoy a short entertainment time at night. This kind of late-night behavior with compensatory psychology is more obvious in the post-95s and post-00s.

The report shows that among the people who stay up late, 46% of them choose “active insomnia” because they don’t want to sleep, and 60% of them are post-00s. Unlike being forced to work overtime and stay up late, the freedom to stay up late is more of a choice, and they hope to use the time at night to participate in life more deeply.

However, among people with insomnia, more than 70% of the post-80s generation cannot sleep due to stress and anxiety, and try to use various means to regain sleep. “Stay up the latest night and catch the most urgent deadline”. Among the people who participated in the survey, the number of people born in the 1990s who were forced to stay up late because of overtime accounted for 37% of this age group, making them the age group with the most staying up late and working overtime.

From the perspective of cities, in addition to the first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the cities that “sleep the latest” in China, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi’an and other nightlife capitals are also squeezed into the “city that never sleeps” TOP15.

Sleep aids such as melatonin are hot selling

In the army of insomnia, some of them are that they don’t want to sleep or can’t sleep, and the other Part of it was the snoring that made it hard to fall asleep. Statistics show that women who are disturbed by their partner’s snoring account for nearly 80% of the female survey population. According to Tmall Health data, the number of transactions for post-90s purchases of anti-snoring devices increased by nearly 70% year-on-year, and among them, third-tier cities saw the highest increase in transactions, reaching 120%.

Among the various sleep aid products, sleep instruments and melatonin are quite popular. In addition, new trend products such as ventilators, sleep gummies, health teas, and sleep aids have also appeared. Among them, on the Tmall platform, the annual sales of sleep instruments increased by 914% year-on-year, and the annual sales of melatonin increased by 40% year-on-year.

Among the various sleep aid methods, different age groups have their own preferences for sleep aid. The data shows that the young post-00s do not care about staying up late, while the post-90s and post-85s try to help sleep by serving melatonin and other health care products. The mainstay post-70s and pre-85s use drinking, meditation and other methods to help sleep.

Nowadays, it contains “melatonin tablets, sleep aid oral liquid, smart sleep device, smart ventilator, compound donkey-hide glue, GABA liquid drink, corn Sleep aid products, including mustard black bean tea, have become the favorite “sleep 8-piece set” of the post-90s generation.

According to CCTV news reports, “melatonin” is a hormone secreted by the human body. It secretes more vigorously when it is dark, telling you “it’s time to sleep”. Many people eat “melatonin gummies” to help sleep, but the melatonin in these products is different from that secreted by the human body. Short-term use can help sleep, but long-term use may worsen insomnia. In addition, blue light from mobile phones and computers can inhibit the secretion of melatonin. Experts suggest that staying away from mobile phones and computers half an hour before going to bed to develop good sleep habits is more effective than taking melatonin. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie pai.ycwb.com)