Close observation and precise treatment Binzhou “one person, one policy” makes every effort to do a good job in the treatment of new coronary pneumonia cases

Dazhong Net·Poster reporter Zhang Shuang reported from Binzhou

On the afternoon of March 21, Binzhou held the ninth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Li Meisheng, member of the party group of the Health and Health Commission, secretary of the party branch of the Municipal Family Planning Association, and executive vice president, answered reporters’ questions on the current situation of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Binzhou City and the treatment of asymptomatic infected people.

Li Meisheng, member of the party group of the Municipal Health Commission, secretary of the party branch and executive vice president of the Municipal Family Planning Association, answered questions from reporters

Li Meisheng introduced that as of 24:00 on March 20, the city had reported a total of 135 confirmed cases and 860 asymptomatic infections in this round of the epidemic. Among the cumulative reported confirmed cases, there are 128 mild cases and 7 ordinary cases. At present, all confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections have been transferred to medical institutions for treatment. For the currently confirmed patients in the hospital, the city’s epidemic prevention and control and expert group has established a 24-hour on-site expert team to provide guidance and conduct daily consultations and judgments.

Watch closely. Closely observe the changes in the patient’s body temperature, and pay attention to whether there are symptoms such as sore throat, cough, chest tightness, and suffocation. Hematuria routine, strengthen the detection of blood oxygen saturation and other aspects to pay close attention.

Precise treatment. Strengthen supportive treatment, take traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, improve patients’ resistance, and improve the ability to clear viruses. Active treatment of primary hypertension, coronary heart disease and so on. Do our best to control the occurrence of complications, guide patients to appropriate indoor activities, and prevent venous thrombosis of lower extremities.

Do a good job in the treatment of key populations. For those infected with pregnant and lying-in women, the city’s new coronary pneumonia maternal treatment expert guidance group was established, the “Emergency Plan for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment During Epidemic Prevention and Control” was formulated, and an independent ward was designated to do its best to ensure maternal medical services.

Strengthen psychological counseling. Pay attention to the patient’s emotional and mental health status in real time, implement targeted psychological intervention according to the wishes of the patient and their family members, carry out follow-up management, and conduct psychological counseling in a timely manner to avoid patients’ panic and worry.

In the next step, the city’s epidemic prevention and control and expert group will continue to pay close attention to the changes in the patient’s condition, adjust the treatment plan in a timely manner, cooperate with traditional Chinese medicine support therapy, and speed up the recovery process. For asymptomatic infections, quarantine and observation are implemented, and Chinese patent medicines are taken to restore physical strength to help infected people quickly clear the virus.