Whether or not to take the fourth dose of the new crown vaccine, don’t worry first, understand this knowledge and then decide

WHO reported that in the past week, 11 million confirmed cases were reported, which is mainly due to the spread of Omicron Ba.2 and the lifting of mask bans and abandonment of anti-epidemic in some countries. In view of this, some countries have already started taking action ahead of schedule. Israel, the United States, Germany, and Hong Kong, China have already started the fourth injection of the new crown vaccine, so should we do it?

In fact, two months ago, someone proposed to get the fourth dose of the new crown vaccine, and it was called sequential vaccination or heterologous vaccination. The so-called heterologous vaccination refers to the injection of different Vaccines in the research and development path, such as the first and second injections of inactivated vaccines, and the third injection of adenovirus vector vaccines. If all three injections are injected with inactivated vaccines, it is called homologous vaccination. The advantage of heterologous vaccination is to avoid previous vaccinations. The resulting side reactions, the efficiency of antibody production is higher.

So should we get vaccinated? The data shows that although the vaccine cannot prevent the virus infection, it can reduce the severe rate and mortality rate. Dr. Zhang Wenhong issued a document on March 7 that there have been 1,561 deaths in the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong, of which 94.7% are elderly. , 91.3% did not complete the vaccination. In all cases, the case fatality rate was 0.04% for completing two doses, 1.25% for unvaccinated cases, and 31 times the case fatality rate for vaccinated cases. Among them, those over 80 years old who have not been vaccinated have a fatality rate of 8.6%, and those who have received two doses of the vaccine have a fatality rate of 1.57%. It can also be seen that the elderly need to be injected with the new crown vaccine more, because they have a high mortality rate after infection, and the new crown vaccine has obvious protective effect, and the mortality rate is much reduced.

So is the fourth shot required? I think it needs to be treated differently. People who have no serious side effects from the first three injections can consider getting the fourth injection. This will help individuals avoid contracting the new crown. Some people will say that vaccination cannot prevent infection, but can only reduce the severe rate? Everyone has misunderstood that the injection of the new crown vaccine just cannot completely prevent the virus infection, but it does not mean that the infection rate cannot be reduced. Shots, even through helmets, can reduce serious injury and death rates.

The next question is whether the injection has serious side effects. I have indeed come into contact with patients with severe side effects from the injection of the new crown vaccine. Some of them are mainly manifested in the lungs. Carefully After examination, it was found that these people have the problem of autoimmune disorder, that is, rheumatism. The characteristic of this disease is that some patients have very insidious symptoms, and they will not have the symptoms of arthritis and joint pain that everyone thinks. Some people only have The performance of dry mouth and dry eyes cannot be detected without going to the hospital for examination. Patients with rheumatic immune diseases are clearly not allowed to be injected in the new crown vaccination brochure. Some people get worse after injection, and this disease Sometimes it invades the lungs and leads to pulmonary fibrosis. This is the case with the patient I met. He is usually healthy. After the injection, he developed coughing and wheezing. Soon he could only lie in bed with asthma. Now he has been cured after hormone and anti-rheumatic treatment. Many, when this patient went to see a doctor in the rheumatology and immunization department later, the doctor there said that she was the fourth patient to have severe side effects after being injected with the new crown. Rheumatism was not detected before, but suddenly aggravated after the injection.

Except for these few cases, I have never seen other patients with severe side effects. Most of the side effects are mainly fever, local pain after injection, and some people also have cough. Sore throat and other flu-like symptoms were cured in about a week. After the second injection, I had muscle pain for three months. Later, it was analyzed that it was related to the vigorous exercise and the low injection site after the injection. It was troublesome on the day of injection. , the sleeves are not rolled in place.

Therefore, it is best to vaccinate all kinds of vaccines. It is difficult to achieve universal vaccination, and the vaccination rate should be above 70%. Only in this way can an effective transmission barrier be formed to prevent the spread of the epidemic. There are new virus variants, don’t be afraid.