Tonight, please people in Huangshi go to bed 1 hour earlier!

—-The following is the text—-

When two people say “good night” to each other

It should be like this

▼< /p>

But in fact it is like this

About 1/3 of human life

is spent in sleep

data show

More than 300 million people in China have sleep disorders

The incidence of insomnia in adults of varying degrees

close to 40%

Sleep is the backbone of everyone’s health

It is also a biological need of life

Sleep at night, crash during the day

< p> You, did you sleep well?

< p>

Know how to rest

To have a better life

Today is “World Sleep Day”

Go to bed 1 hour earlier tonight

Good sleep everyone

-The End-

Source | Huangshi Radio and Television Station

Editor of this issue | Deng Lei Responsible Editor | Deng Lei

Director on duty | Dong Jinyu Producer of this issue | Zhang Wen

Huangshi Radio and Television Station Produced by Rong Media Center