The high incidence of sheep pox in spring should not be ignored

Sheeppox is a viral infectious disease that seriously harms the growth of sheep. It is characterized by specific acne on the skin and mucous membranes. The disease spreads rapidly, and sheep of all breeds, genders and ages can be infected. Fine-wool sheep, native sheep and lambs are the most sensitive and have a high fatality rate. They are mainly prevalent in spring and must be scientifically prevented.

Clinical symptoms

The sick sheep have elevated body temperature, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, flushing, swelling and tearing of the conjunctiva, viscous nasal fluid, loss of appetite or abstinence, and lethargy. Persistent 14 days later, pimples appear, mostly on the lips, nose, eyes, breasts, and inner limbs and other hairless or less hairy areas. It started as erythema, then turned into papules, similar to spherical protruding on the surface of the skin, faded with acupressure, turned into blisters after a few days, with an umbilical shape in the center, and then gradually dried to form a yellow crust that fell off and left erythema. There is no secondary infection during the onset, and can be cured within 24weeks. In severe cases, pustule fusion or hemorrhage occurs in the whole body, often secondary to sepsis and death, and the mortality rate can reach 30%50%.


span> After being diagnosed with the disease, immediately isolate the sick sheep, seal off the epidemic spots and areas, and carry out strict disinfection. ①For benign cases, no special treatment is generally required, but only need to strengthen nursing and symptomatic treatment if necessary. ②Appropriately use antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin for treatment or mix 0.2% oxytetracycline powder into the feed, which can effectively prevent secondary infection. The dosage depends on the severity of the disease. ③ For malignant cases, if conditions permit, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of the serum of the recovered sheep can be administered at 1ml/kg body weight, and the therapeutic effect is obvious.


span> The prevention and treatment of sheep pox must adhere to the principle of giving priority to prevention and focusing on prevention. ①Strengthen feeding and management, pay attention to keeping warm in spring, prevent stress reactions caused by weather changes, rain, etc., pay attention to keeping the house clean, hygienic and dry, use 25%Vegetable lime water or 20%lime water for disinfection once. ②For newly purchased sheep, they must be isolated and observed in designated places for 21days before they can be raised in mixed groups. ③ Regardless of the size of the sheep, the sheeppox chicken embryonic attenuated vaccine is injected once a year in early spring, and the immune period is up to one year. ④The bodies of sick and dead sheep must be deeply buried or burned, and the breeding pens, utensils and pollutants must be thoroughly disinfected. (Cai Manjun)