We astronauts got fat on business trips

Shenzhou 13 spacecraft has performed space missions for more than 150 days, and every move of the three astronauts has attracted the attention of the whole country. Astronaut Zhai Zhigang recently appeared in a video, and it looks much more “round” than before departure. Some people are discussing whether our logistics supply is too good, and the astronauts on business trips are getting fat.

Photo source: Weibo@CCTV News

Actually, astronauts becoming “fat” is a normal physiological response of the human body in space.

Today’s hot discussion, let’s talk about the impact of spaceflight on the human body.

“fat” is fluid redistribution due to changes in gravity

One ​​of the differences between space and Earth is the dramatic reduction in gravity.

The human body has evolved a blood circulation mechanism on the earth to resist gravity. Simply put, it uses greater force to pump blood to the heights of the head and neck. Suddenly came to a low-gravity environment, and the high place no longer has the influence of gravity. After a long time, the blood distribution will be more inclined to the upper body, and the head and neck will naturally look round and swollen.

Image source: Wikipedia

This fat outsider may just look like a change in appearance, but it’s not good for astronauts. More fluid, higher intracranial pressure and eyeball pressure, will affect the astronaut’s vision, and may cause headaches and poor sleep.

The bigger problem is musculoskeletal degeneration

The redistribution of fluid caused by changes in gravity is not pleasant, but it has a greater impact on the health of astronauts, and musculoskeletal problems have been paid attention to earlier.

Some skeletal muscles in the human body are originally designed to support the body structure in response to gravity, such as many muscles in the back and legs. If you don’t exercise on earth, as long as you stand and sit, these muscles are actually “exercising”. When gravity suddenly decreases, these skeletal muscles will immediately relax and shrink rapidly. In severe cases, it can shrink by 1/5 in 10 days. Back in the gravity environment of the earth, many actions may not be possible.

Bone undergoes metabolic changes similar to muscle, and begins to degenerate with less exercise. Going into space is like entering a period of osteoporosis quickly, osteoclasts are active, and bone density is lost every second. What is lost in space for 3 months may take 3 years to make up after returning to Earth.

In addition to these, astronauts are often affected by psychological problems, decreased sense of smell, and potential radiation damage. In fact, like everyone else in space, they also suffer from occupational diseases, and they are also hard workers.

Progress in space medicine

Exploring space is magnificent and beautiful. Humans will not stop because of these difficulties. Instead, they will accumulate experience in space medicine in spaceflight again and again, and maximize the protection of astronauts in space. in health.

For example, for the degeneration of bones and muscles, different exercise methods have some help in slowing down the degeneration.

Image source: CCTV News

In fact, every space mission will also have a lot of research data collection work on the human body, which is to make the next flight healthier and safer. After the gravity technology of future spacecraft and space stations is improved, many gravity-related anomalies are expected to gradually reduce.

The development of space medicine relies on the efforts of astronauts and medical experts, and the purpose is not limited to solving the problems of a few astronauts, but focusing on the future.

Fly to the universe, the vastness!

Image source: GIPHY

The latest and hottest medical topics, today’s hot discussion for you to interpret


Planning: Eric | Producer: Feidi

Cover image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team